South Carolina Business Opportunities
Published by Division of Procurement Services - Delbert H. Singleton, Jr., Division Director
Ad Category: Notices
Ad Start Date: November 13, 2023
Notice: Amendment of Solicitation Project # 30856.0003 McCormick County Culvert Replacement and Rehabiliation
Agency/Owner: McCormick County

The solicitationof this project is amended as described. Except as provided in this addendum, all other provisions of thesolicitation remain unchanged and in full force and effect. By submitting your bid, you are attesting that you have read, understand and acknoledge this addendum. Bidder shall acknoledge receitp of Addendum on Document 00313 - Bid Form. Descriptionof Amendment: Pre Bid Meeting minutes and Pre Bid Meeting Sign in Sheets.  Copy of Addendum 1 is located at or can be attained from Allison Bush 

South Carolina Business Opportunities • SCBO Team • 1201 Main Street, Suite 600 • Columbia, SC 29201
803-737-0600 • • •