South Carolina Business Opportunities
Published by Division of Procurement Services - Delbert H. Singleton, Jr., Division Director
Ad Category: Services
Ad Start Date: February 20, 2024
Title: In-Home and Community Based Services in Kershaw, Lee, and Sumter County
Purchasing Agent/Entity: Santee-Lynches Regional Council of Governments
Bid/Submittal Due Date: April 17, 2024 - 1:00pm

Santee-Lynches RCOG/AAA seeks proposals from organizations qualified to provide In-Home and Community-Based Services in Kershaw, Lee, and Sumter County. The primary purpose of this program is to fulfill the requirements of the Older Americans Act, as amended in 2020, by providing Group Dining, Evidence Based and Health Promotion, Home Delivered Meal, and Transportation Services for the elderly.

Solicitation #: RFP #2024-003
Direct Inquiries To: Janae Stowe
Buyer Phone#: 803-774-1376
Buyer Email:
Pre-Bid Information:

Proposals MUST be returned in writing to the attention of: Area Agency on Aging, Santee-Lynches Council of Governments, 39 E. Calhoun Street, Sumter, SC no later than 1:00 pm on April 17, 2024.

Full Details / Download:
South Carolina Business Opportunities • SCBO Team • 1201 Main Street, Suite 600 • Columbia, SC 29201
803-737-0600 • • •