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The Town of Seabrook Island is soliciting proposals from qualified attorneys with experience advising and representing South Carolina municipalities for appointment to the position of Town Attorney. Candidates must be a member in good standing of the South Carolina Bar, admitted to practice law in the state of South Carolina, and must have at least five (5) years of experience in municipal or county law, commercial law, contracts, real estate, torts, or other related areas.
The successful candidate will be appointed for a term of two years, to run concurrently with the terms of the Mayor and members of Town Council.
For instructions on how to submit a proposal, please visit
Coastal Carolina University seeks a qualified consultant to conduct a comprehensive multimodal mobility study, per the specifications provided in the Request For Proposal. For additional information, see the link provided below.
FLORENCE SCHOOL DISTRICT FIVE requests proposals from qualified firms for the provisioning of an Energy, Water or Wastewater Savings Contract. FSD5 is seeking
qualifications from interested Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) capable of providing a comprehensive solution that will reduce energy and operational costs across its facilities.
Mandatory pre bid site walk through on 12/6/2023 at 10:30am. Meeting will be held at the Florence School District Five Conference Center located adjacent to the district office at
156 E. Marion Street
Johnsonville, SC 29555
Lowcountry Council of Governments is seeking proposals from vendors to prepared scoping and design focusing on nature-based solutions related to shoreline stabilization, habitat restoration, flood management and water quality.
The City of Myrtle Beach seeks qualifications of professional consultants to cultivate a coordinated alignment of regional stakeholders to comprehensively remediate the detrimental effects of the opioid crisis. This will include the identification of the demographic & geographic gaps in access to treatment intervention services & supportive resources, a subsequent regional action plan inclusive of programmatic implementation, and establishment of essential infrastructure.
Horry County Government is soliciting sealed statements of qualifications for RFQ #2023-24-051, Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) – Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Detection & Clearing Services.
Greenwood County is requesting Statements of Qualifications from interested and qualified multi-disciplinary firms or a team of firms for planning, programming, analysis, conceptual development, and cost estimating services. The services may include but are not limited to the study of existing and future facilities for a new, joint-use 300 bed detention center and Sheriff's office.
Berkeley County Government is soliciting qualification statements from Civil Engineering, Surveying, Land Use Planning, and similar consulting firms qualified to conduct technical development plan (Third-Party) review services on an as needed and expedited review basis – Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC). The County reserves the right to select multiple firms.
The City of Rock Hill seeks a qualified firm to create an impact fee report that recommends an economically and legally supportable set of impact fees to offset the growth related to water, sanitary sewer, fire, and any other areas recommended.
There will be no pre-qualifications meeting.
Cherokee County is seeking Statements of Qualification from professional consulting firms for Master Planning & Due Diligence Services related to recreation, sporting and tourism-related economic development investments. .
Addendum One for engineering and design services for the Saluda River Crossing Project. Due date is now 12/7/23. Delete cost from proposal requirements and add past experience with the City of West Columbia.
RFQ and Addendum found on the City of West Columbia's website under procurement tab.
The Town of Lexington is seeking proposals from qualified consulting agencies to undertake a comprehensive planning process for trails within the Town, which would lead to the adoption of the Town’s first Greenway and Trail Master Plan. Detailed information can be found at
Deadline for questions December 8th, 2023
Proposals Due Dec 15, 2023 by 5pm
The Town of Hilton Head Island is soliciting sealed proposals from qualified firms to facilitate a strategic planning discussion and assist in the review and organization of the Town’s strategic plan with Town Council.
Beaufort County is accepting proposals from qualified firms to perform a compensation and classification study of its employees. The closing date for this RFP is December 20, 2023, at 3:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.
Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on Wednesday November 29, 2023 at 2:00pm. This meeting is virtual. Send an email to to receive your invite
Central Midlands Council of Governments (CMCOG) will perform the SC 6 & SC 60 Corridors Feasibility Study. The intent is to perform an access management assessment as well as to define the project scope, goals and objectives, purpose and need, potential impacts, estimated cost, schedule, benefit/cost analysis, and risk analysis to develop an implementation strategy approach that identifies near‐term, mid‐term, and long‐term projects and strategies for the planning area.
All proposals will be logged in and date and time stamped. Any proposal package that is received after the date and time specified will be logged and date and time stamped as "late" and returned unopened.
Questions must be submitted in writing no later than 1:00pm on December 4, 2023 to RFP and related documents can be found on our website.
There will be a Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting at 11:00am on November 29, 2023. It will be held at 2 George Street in the Public Meeting Room. It will also be available via Zoom (link on our website).
The City of Mauldin seeks to develop a City Center Village Master Plan to guide Council, stakeholders and the community in realizing its vision for a traditional downtown. The City desires to work with a firm that specializes in urban redevelopment and renewal to help craft a plan to transform the City’s underdeveloped, crossroads downtown into a true urban village.
The South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA) is seeking qualifications for construction administration and quality assurance services. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) document is available on the SCPA's website at
No Pre-Bid Meeting. Site Visits by appointment only (see RFQ document)
Berkeley County School District invites qualified firms to submit qualifications packages and conceptual proposals for the development of affordable rental housing units for teachers at the District's proposed development location.
The City of Clemson is seeking proposals for engineering design services of a multi-use trail that would allow City of Clemson residents to traverse a sewer right-of-way along 18-mile creek.
Required Pre-Proposal Meeting for all interested parties:
Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 at 2:00 PM
Wednesday, November 14th, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Monday, November 20th, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Pre-Proposal Meetings will be located in Nettles Park, 101 Nettles Road, Clemson SC 29631, near the existing dog park
Attendance is only required at one meeting
The Town of Sullivan's Island is soliciting statements of qualifications from highly qualified firms, licensed in South Carolina, to develop a Resilience and Sea Level Adaptation Plan in accordance with the general scope of work provided. Please visit the Town website for complete information.
The Town of Sullivan's Island is soliciting proposals from qualified consulting firms specializing in historic preservation, historic preservation architecture or related field. The accepted proposal will assist in developing Design Guidelines for the Town's local and National Register Historic Districts, historic resources within the Historic Preservation Overlay District and new infill construction or additions within historic districts.
Please visit the Current Town Projects page under the Government tab on the Town website for more information.
The City of Greenville is seeking the services of a qualified consultant to provide exhibit planning, design, fabrication, delivery, & installation of permanent historical/educational exhibits within the Prisma Health Welcome Center located in Unity Park. The goal is to design spaces that communicate the story of Unity Park through graphic design, engaging displays, & interactive exhibits.
There will be a non-mandatory pre-bid conference on November 16, 2023. The meeting will be at the Prisma Health Welcome Center, located at 111 Welborn Center, Greenville, SC 29601, at 10:00 A.M. ET.
Jasper County is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to create a ten-year master plan for the Parks & Recreation Department. Details may be found on the Jasper County website, or on Vendor Registry.
Dillon County, South Carolina is accepting proposals from qualified firms to conduct a countywide Employee Classification and Compensation Study along with the development of job descriptions. The closing date for this RFP is December 11, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. (Some job descriptions are available but contain dated information).
See bid package detail that can be obtained by contacting Tim Harper at
It is the intent of Williamsburg Technical College (WTC), to solicit bids from qualified bidders, to provide Federal Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Consulting Services for WTC in accordance with all requirements stated herein.
Pre-Proposal: 11/13/2023 10:00 AM ET Web Conference Information later in the document.
The Beaufort County School District is soliciting qualifications in response to RFQ #23-018 Construction Project Estimator. Responses are due by 4:00 PM EST on April 6, 2023. Specifications of RFQ #23-018 may be obtained electronically at (click on “Community”, “Working With The District”, “Bids & Awards”) or by contacting Kaylee Yinger at Bids from Minority and Women Business Enterprises are strongly encouraged.