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The City of Rock Hill, South Carolina ("City") is seeking proposals from qualified firms to develop SCDES-approved Watershed Based Plans for City-approved projects.
Pre-Qualifications Meeting (Non-Mandatory): February 28, 2025, 10:00am
City of Rock Hill Operations Center,
757 South Anderson Road,
Building 103, Procurement Conference Room,
Rock Hill, SC 29730
The Town of Bluffton, SC is seeking proposals from interested and firms with past, proven, positive experiences in providing historic resources surveys, including researching, interviewing, and writing justification under the SCDAH standards under a fixed price contract. This will be an update to two prior surveys. The target start date for performing these services is May, 2025.
The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) is seeking proposals from qualified offerors to develop comprehensive life safety building drawings/plans for MUSC’s non-healthcare facilities, ensuring they accurately reflect existing building conditions and assessing the condition/integrity of fire and smoke barriers.
CONFERENCE TYPE: Virtual Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference
DATE & TIME: 02/19/2025 11:00 AM
LOCATION: Via Microsoft Teams
Email at least one hour prior for login information.
Irmo Chapin Recreation Commission is seeking a consultant to conduct a comprehensive compensation, classification, and benefits study. There are currently 72 full-time employees and 208 part-time employees.
Any questions regarding this RFP should be directed to Eve Mittendorf, Associate Executive Director at All questions must be submitted by Noon on Friday, February 21, 2025, and all questions and responses will be provided to all interested firms via email.
Georgetown County, SC is requesting proposals from qualified CPA's to audit the County's financial statements for fiscal year ending June 30, 2025. See bid document for full details and requirements.
The City of West Columbia is seeking qualified consulting firms to conduct a comprehensive agency evaluation and assessment of its Fire Department.
The selected Respondent will provide an objective, data-driven analysis of the Fire Department's current operations, identify areas for improvement, and develop recommendations for future planning and resource allocation.
Richland County seeks qualifications and proposals from entities operating existing affordable housing programs in unincorporated Richland County, South Carolina. The Richland County Council has allocated up to $4 Million in funding for programs that can quickly address existing affordable housing needs in the unincorporated County area to multiple agencies. All questions and submittals must be uploaded via the Bonfire portal.
Solicit proposals to support the HIV prevention and care planning group, known as the SC HIV Planning Council (HPC). See link below for full solicitation details.
The Town of Batesburg-Leesville is seeking a consultant to conduct a Compensation and Classification study for the town. We have over 60 full-time employees and operate water, wastewater, police, fire, public works, fleet, IT as well as town hall operations. The study would examine all full-time positions.
All details are in the pdf document at .
CCAA is requests SOQ to provide Environmental Planning Services including site evaluations and analysis, preparation of CATEX, EA, and EIS.
Interested parties are invited to download a FREE copy of the solicitation from the Project and Proposal Bidroom.
Mandatory pre-bid Tuesday March 4, 2025 at 11:00am as further outlined in the solicitation documents.
Interested parties are invited to download a FREE copy of the solicitation from the Project and Proposal Bidroom.
CCAA is requesting statements of qualification to provide Airport Planning Services to include master planning, airfield planning, terminal planning, and landside planning.
Interested parties are invited to download a free copy of the solicitation from our Project and Proposal Bidroom.
Mandatory Pre-Submittal Meeting Tuesday February 25, 2025, at 11:00am (local time) as outlined in the solicitation documents.
Spartanburg County is seeking proposals to provide workforce development activities and services to eligible job seekers residing in Cherokee, Greenville, Spartanburg and Union Counties, South Carolina.
Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held February 18, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. EST online via Zoom. Please see Page 15 for log-in instructions.
Provide public relations, communication strategies and thought leadership support services. Promote our stories of success and bring our mission to life by consistently delivering high quality content, creative communications and transformational results to local, state and national media outlets.
Aiken County Government will consider proposals for a third-party administrator specializing in claims administration services to support the County’s self-insured workers compensation and liability programs. Liability coverages include all aspects of employer’s liability, general liability, auto liability, law enforcement liability, and professional liability.
The purpose of the proposed project is to establish standardized ranking methods to identify and prioritize drainage capital improvement projects throughout the County.
The intent of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit Proposals from qualified, experienced, financially sound, and responsible consulting firms to assist the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) with a Non-Equipment Based Energy Conservation Program throughout the Downtown Charleston facilities
Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference: 02/13/2024 10:00 AM ET Via Microsoft Teams
Email at least one hour prior for login information.
See attachment.
The City of Greenville is requesting proposals from experienced and qualified planning/design consultants and/or similar professionally qualified consultants to provide comprehensive design and construction administration services for the construction of a new shop building for City of Greenville’s Facilities Maintenance Division.
The Town of Hilton Head Island is soliciting sealed proposals from qualified firms to serve as the Town’s Destination Marketing Organization (“DMO”). The due date for submission of bids is 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time, May 5, 2025 A copy of RFQ 2025-05 with all requirements and specifications may be downloaded from
The Beaufort‐Jasper Water & Sewer Authority, hereafter referred to as the Authority, is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide Congressionally Directed Spending and Advocacy Services.
The Richland-Lexington Airport District (“District”) is soliciting proposals for a qualified executive search firm for the purpose of recruiting and hiring a President & Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”). The firm selected will be asked to enter into an Agreement with the District until the President & CEO position has been successfully filled.
All questions must be submitted in writing no later than 1:00pm on February 10, 2025 to Please see our website for the RFP document.
The Beaufort‐Jasper Water & Sewer Authority, hereafter referred to as the Authority, is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide Federal Lobbyist and Advocacy Services.
Richland School District Two is soliciting proposals from qualified consultants to perform ERP system consulting services. The consultant shall serve and advise the district on a how to proceed with sourcing and implementing new ERP system. Proposals shall be received in accordance to the request for proposal and any other information provided.
There will be a non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting on February 12, 2025 at 9:30AM. The meeting will be held via Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting
The Town of Hilton Head Island is soliciting sealed proposals from qualified firms to provide professional recruitment services for key Town positions as the need arises. The due date for submission of bids is 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time, February 17, 2025. A copy of RFP 2025-04 may be downloaded from
Jasper County is seeking to identify an engineering or consulting firm regarding scoping, study and development of a comprehensive Stormwater Management Masterplan.
There will be a non-mandatory pre-submittal conference on Thursday, February 6, 2025 in the Council Chambers at 358 3rd Avenue, Ridgeland, SC 29936.
AUDIT SERVICES - to be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the US Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133. The target start date for performing these services is August 2025.
The City of Greenville is seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide services to the City of Greenville to develop a Parks, Recreation and Tourism (PRT) Master Plan.
The City of Greenville is requesting proposals from experienced and qualified firms for design and construction administration services for the Reedy River Streambank Stabilization Project. This project involves approximately 1,000 feet of streambank stabilization and will address multiple sections of the Reedy River, where streambank instability has been identified.
A NON-MANDATORY pre-bid meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. EST, February 4, 2025. The meeting location will be the second floor conference room of the City’s Public Safety Campus, located at 2004 Halton Rd., Greenville, SC 29607.
The City of Bennettsville seeks a qualified development team that can deliver a high-quality affordable housing development within much of the footprint of a 10-acre parcel located on Cheraw Street in Bennettsville, South Carolina.
Topic: City of Bennettsville: Cheraw Street Affordable Housing Development Pre-Proposal Conference
Time: January 22, 2025, 2:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Meeting ID: 848 1863 3456
Passcode: 5suXAs
It is the intent of the South Carolina Public Employee Benefit Authority (PEBA), in accordance with all requirements stated herein or attached hereto, to solicit proposals for Pharmacy Benefit Management Services for the State Health Plan (Plan).
There will be a Pre-Proposal Conference at 10 a.m. ET on January 22, 2025, at the South Carolina Public Employee Benefit Authority, 202 Arbor Lake Drive, Board Room, Columbia, South Carolina.
The County Council of Beaufort County would like to invite you to submit a qualification statement for On-Call Professional Services for Beaufort County. Qualification Statements are to be submitted through the Procurement Portal at This solicitation will remain open until December 6, 2027
There is no meeting
The City of Florence is accepting sealed proposals from qualified certified public accounting firms for independent audits of the financial statements of the City of Florence and preparation of annual financial reports.