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Orangeburg County School District intends to solicit quotes for Structured Data Cabling for construction projects at Lake Marion High School and Clark Middle School. Each school will have one new wing built.
NA QUESTIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: December 6, 2023 8am email:
Pre-Proposal: 12/15/2023 11:00 AM Eastern TEAMS (email before 12/15/2023 for log-on instructions.
The SC Judicial Branch is issuing this Invitation For Bid (RFQ) for (25) Time Matters Annual Memberships plan/licenses for the period 01/01/2024 - 120/31/2024.
Charleston County is currently researching software for strategic plan tracking. We are interested in being able to automate the process of operationalizing the Strategic Plan, while tracking performance, and internal sharing the results with the correct people/groups.
Pre Bid Conference: 12/12/2023 11:00 AM MS Teams Only
Santee-Lynches Regional Council of Governments (SLRCOG) is seeking written proposals for an Accounting System, data conversion, setup, and support/training services. SLRCOG is seeking an Accounting System that includes the following modules/features: General/Fund Ledger, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Budget Preparation, Bank Reconciliation, Cost Allocations, and Accounts Receivable. See full details at
Questions regarding the Request for Proposals must be submitted no later than 3:00 pm on December 20, 2023, to Rachel Katorkas at
The College is seeking a qualified vendor who can provide an electronic payment solution, a single, automated process to pay vendors through multiple methods and an automatic reconcilement in accordance with specifications within.
The purpose of this solicitation is to acquire a one-year contract with three one-year renewal options for cloud-based applicant registry application for law enforcement agent applications.
CONFERENCE TYPE: Pre-Bid (Non-Mandatory). DATE & TIME: 12/13/2023 10:00:00. This will be done via TEAMS. Interested parties must email Buyer prior to close of business on 12/12/23 in order to receive the TEAMS invite.
The Town of Hilton Head Island is soliciting sealed proposals from qualified firms to provide to provide Managed Print Services.
DTO is soliciting bids for Ironscales Email Protect licenses (IS-EP). We require 100 licenses to cover the period 12/01/23 through 02/01/24, and another 2,800 licenses for the period 02/02/24 through 08/01/24.
Interested bidders should ensure they are registered vendors with the State of SC so prompt paymnet can be made. See:
Pre-Proposal Conference December 5, 2023 at 10:00 ET Virtual Conference. E-mail the Procurement Officer for login information
South Carolina Judicial Branch seeks to engage with a qualified web development company over a limited period of time for website design, development, and deployment work.
The purpose of this solicitation is to acquire Ironscales© Email Protect Licenses complying with the enclosed description and/or specifications and conditions for the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.
(VR) Units and training system that will support the college's current Corporate and Community Education (CCE) curriculum offerings. Offering hands on simulations and training for students to better understand the various career options, and experience virtually what it is like to work in selected fields of study.
Mainframe Application Assessment
Pre-Proposal Conference 12/05/2023 at 2:00 PM ET via Teams. Email before 12:00 noon on 12/04/2023 for log-on instructions.
Qualtrics CoreXM Software
The Beaufort County School District is soliciting proposals in response to RFP #24-008 Project Management Software Solution. Responses are due by 4:00 PM EST on December 18, 2023. Specifications of RFP #24-008 may be obtained at (“Community”, “ Working With The District”, “Bids & Awards”) or by contacting Bids from Minority and Women Business Enterprises are strongly encouraged.
UCSD is looking for a time and attendance system that includes substitute tracking that also integrates with Tyler School ERP Pro system. More details can be found in the RFP. Please see information at Documents | Union County Schools.
Richland School District Two is soliciting bids for Lightspeed System: Digital Insight. Bids shall be received in accordance to the invitation for bid and any supplemental information provided.
E Rate Wireless and Access Points for Charleston County School District
The School District of Pickens County is accepting sealed bids for Surplus Used Devices (Chromebooks), in accordance with the requirements in this solicitation
Clemson University is seeking proposals from experienced contractors to provide Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) data management software, in accordance with the Scope of Work for this RFP. The Scope is only available through the Clemson online bidding system, link below, this is also where you are required to submit your proposal.
See solicitation information at the link in the advertisement
Pre Bid Conference DATE & TIME: 11/22/2023 10:00 AM Microsoft Teams Only!
The district's intent is to implement a WAN that is adequate and future proofing, resilient and cost effective over the term of the contract. See RFP for details.
The purpose of this RFP is to acquire a one-year contract with a potential of four one-year renewal options for a cloud-based law enforcement inventory and fleet management system for an agency of approximately 450 officers.
Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid via Teams
11/15/2023 10 AM EST
Contact Buyer prior to 3 PM EST on 11/15/2023 to be given the Teams link.
The County of Darlington, South Carolina is requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide reporting software for the Darlington County Fire District.
Clemson University is seeking bids for Gai-Tronics E-phones per the specifications found in the online bidding system(link below). Pricing is to cover a 5 year contract with an undetermined purchase quantity over 5 years, but an initial purchase of 3 units. All specifications can be found in the Clemson online bidding system, this is the same system where your bid must be submitted.
The BCSD is soliciting proposals IFB #23-014 Barracuda Email Protection Advanced and Cloud Arching Services. Responses are due by 4:00 PM EST on March 28, 2023. Specifications of IFB #23-014 may be obtained at (“Community”, “ Working With The District”, “Bids & Awards”) or by contacting Kaylee Yinger at Bids from Minority and Women Business Enterprises are strongly encouraged.