Category: | Month: | Day: | Year: |
The City of Clinton is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of Dell Latitude 3450 Laptops. Complete specifications may be found at the City of Clinton Website at the following link:
The City of Clinton is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of Dell Optiplex Micro Form Factor Computers. Complete specifications can be found on the City of Clitnon website at the following link;
Clemson University is seeking bids for Service Now software as outlined in the Scope of Work found in the Clemson online bidding system, as well as the line items in the same system. Please review the online bid thoroughly in order to ensure your submission is made correctly and completely in accordance with the Scope of Work.
Clemson University is seeking proposals for a five (5) year contract with a manufacturer or supplier of a single space, open air surface parking space counting system that can also function within a parking deck. All specifications, requirements, and bid submission instructions are found in the Scope of Work which is only found in the Clemson online bidding system, link below.
SC DPH is seeking price quotes from qualified vendors for the renewal of the software Footprints helpdesk ticketing system. Please contact buyer email for details.
Buyer Email Address:
The Irmo Chapin Recreation Commission request proposals for keyless door entry for multiple locations across the agency. Software managed unique key code that can be used to gain entry into locations. Also, needs to be able to grant access to more than one location at a time.
On-site Appointments via email to Alex James @
Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference: 09/19/2024 10:00 AM, Microsoft Teams, (email before 12:00 noon on 09/18/2024 for log-on instructions)
School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties is seeking quotes for a turn-key interactive indoor playground system for Harbison West Elementary School.
School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified and experienced digital forensic experts to provide specialized services in digital forensics. The selected expert will assist in investigations related to cybersecurity incidents, data breaches, and other digital analyses.
The Town of Hilton Head Island is soliciting sealed proposals from qualified firms to provide a Performance Management System software solution.
The Authority is requesting competitive Proposals from professional firms engaged in providing Information, Design, and Network Solution services to design, develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive Airport Operational Digital Twin to provide a virtual representation of the airport’s physical assets enabling improved decision-making, efficiency, and predictive maintenance at the Charleston International Airport in North Charleston, SC.
Any questions, requests for clarification, or general communication concerning this RFP shall be directed in writing to Carrie Stanley and submitted via email at . All such requests must be received prior to 5:00p.m. (local time) Wednesday September 18, 2024.
There will be no Pre-Bid Conference for this solicitation.
Date has been changed from 9/9/2024 to 9/20/2024.
Virtual Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal
DATE & TIME: 09/09/2024 11:30 AM
LOCATION: MS Teams. Please email no later than 4:00 PM ET 09/06/2024 for link.
Rock Hill Schools is accepting bids for Evidence Based Educational Software. This is a fixed price bid that may be awarded to multiple vendors who meet the qualifications.
ESInet Solution Providers for Lexington County
*RFI available September 5, 2024 at 2pm EST*
The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) is requesting bids for the purchase of and installation/implementation/maintenance of the Classlink Single Sign-On Solution.
No pre-bid. Last day for questions September 12, 2024, 10AM ET
Horry County School District is soliciting bids for the sale of 9,916 7th Gen 32GB iPads with Apple STM Case to a certified electronic recycling company.
Pre-Bid Conference: 09/16/2024 10:00:00 AM EST MS Teams Only!
Berkeley County School District is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors for the purpose of obtaining a districtwide software for signage.
The Florence 1 School District has established an IT Standard for Digital Video and Scoreboard Systems. The District is seeking a qualified vendor to supply,deliver and instal a Digital Video Board for our Football/Soccer Stadium. Bid Opening Sept 19, 2024 1:00 pm EST
Mandatory Site Visit at South Florence High School September 10, 2024 1:30 pm EST
The Town of Lexington, South Carolina (The Town) is soliciting proposals for qualified vendors to provide a Budget and ACFR Publishing Software. This request for proposals is intended to be a part of a competitive negotiation process. The costs for providing a proposal are considered a marketing expense to be borne by the vendor.
Pre-Proposal: 09/05/2024 11:30am Web Conference
The University of South Carolina Upstate is seeking proposals from qualified suppliers for an online program manager for E-Learning Course Design and Development, Recruitment, and Administrative Support Services for an expansion of its undergraduate and graduate on-line offerings in accordance with the scope of work, service requirements, and terms and conditions set forth in this solicitation.
York County is interested in receiving sealed bids from qualified and experienced Offerors for consulting, design, and implementation of A/V systems for 20 Courtrooms, 4 privacy rooms/cry rooms, and 1 video conferencing location within the York County Detention Center.
Pre-Bid Meeting (Optional): 09/04/2024 at 09:00 am (EST).
See solicitation information at the link in this advertisement.
Non-Mandatory Pre Proposal Conference: 08/16/2024 @ 10:00 AM EST Microsoft Teams
Union County Schools intends to Award solicitation UCSD-2024-INST-001 for Standards Based Online Assessment, Teacher Digital Resources and Personalized Instruction to Curriculum Associates.