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Interior painting of The Seven Oaks Park Community Center
Mandatory Pre-Bid April 24 2024 at 2:00PM Seven Oaks Park Recreation Center Located 200 Leisure Lane, Columbia SC.29210
Gen-Set PM and Repair Services for Trident Technical College (TTC) 2024
Site visit by appointment by appointment only
Sumter School District invites qualified contractors to bid on upgrades to Crestwood High Schools Athletic facility. Bids are to be submitted no later than 5/8/24 at 2:00 PM to the District's Procurement Coordinator. Any questions must be submitted in writing no later than 11:00 AM on 4/23/24. Bids may obtained from the distric't website at (Departments, Finance, Procrement, Solicitations).
Mandatory Prebid on April 23, 2024 at 10:00 AM at Crestwood High School Athletic Fields, 2000 Oswego Rd., Sumter, Sc 29153
Dorchester County is seeking bids from qualified and experienced contractors interested in repairing and rehabilitating the launders and the insides of the outer walls on two existing 35’-diameter concrete clarifiers at the Upper Wastewater Treatment Plant, as outlined in this solicitation.
A NON-MANDATORY pre-bid meeting will be held April 19, 2024, at 10:00AM at the Upper Wastewater Treatment Plant, located at 125 Heatherwood Drive, Saint George, SC 29477.
Pickens County Public Service Commission would like to request bids for the installation of a Trojan UV3000PLUS Light Disinfection System at its 18-mile Creek Upper WWTP located at 151 Clearwater Drive, Liberty, SC.
There will be a pre-bid site visit at the Upper WWTP on Wednesday April 24 at 2:00 PM located at 151 Clearwater Drive, Liberty, SC.
Pickens County Public Service Commission would like to request bids for the installation of a Huber RakeMax J 2880X375/6 solids removal system at its Liberty/Roper WWTP located at 120 Campground Road in Liberty, SC 29657.
PRE-BID MEETING (not required)
-Meeting at 120 Campground Road, Liberty, SC 29657 at 12:00 pm on Wednesday April 24th 2024.
-Pickens County personnel will be available for any questions.
The Pickens County Public Service Commission would like to bid out repairs to one of the Clarifiers located at the Liberty/Roper Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP
-Meeting at 120 Campground Road, Liberty, SC 29657 at 11:00 on Wednesday April 3.
-Pickens County personnel will be available for any questions.
Spartanburg School District 2 is seeking a responsible and responsive vendor to provide Flooring replacement for 3 of our schools. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on April 19 @ 1:30 PM. Questions are due April 26 @ 10:00 AM
Mandatory - April 19 @ 1:30 PM
Chesnee High School, 795 S Alabama Ave, Chesnee, SC 29323
Spartanburg School District 2 is seeking a responsive and responsible vendor to provide Flooring for 3 schools as specified in this solicitation. A mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be held on April 19 @ 1:30 PM
Mandatory Pre-Bid - April 19 @ 1:30 PM @ Chesnee High School - 795 S Alabama Ave, Chesnee, SC 29323
Repairs to Student Greenhouse at Lexington Technology Center
The Chesterfield County School District is seeking bids from qualified sources for Roof Repairs at Cheraw Primary School.
A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at Cheraw Primary School (321 High Street Cheraw, SC 29520) on Thursday April 18, 2024, at 10 AM
Chester County Government is requesting the demolition of existing flooring and the installation of new flooring; appx. 9,000 sq. ft. of LVT and appx. 5,000 sq. ft. of Carpet Tile at the Government Building, 1476 J.A. Cochran Bypass, Chester, SC 29706. Please see our county website for the floor plan and documents.
Anderson School District Five would like to contract with a vendor for Track Repair at Centerville Elementary. See specifications in solicitation for details.
The Fort Mill School District (FMSD) is accepting Bids for Single Prime Contractor services to provide comprehensive services as described, but not limited to, the scope outlined for each of the following packages indicated in the bid documents. The Contractor’s scope of work shall include all surveying, demo, grading, and paving activities identified and all associated costs included within the submitted bid.
Pre-bid meeting will be April 18, 2024 at 2:00 pm at FMSD District Offices - 2233 Deerfield Dr, Fort Mill, SC 29715
Anderson School District Five would like to contract with a vendor to Seal & Stripe at several schools. See specifications in solicitation for details.
Pre-Bid Non-Mandatory DATE & TIME: 04/24/2024 10:00AM ET LOCATION: Microsoft Teams – Email to attend Pre-Bid Site Visits Non-Mandatory DATE & TIME: 04/18/2024 09:00AM ET LOCATION: Multiple Email: to receive instructions on attending site visits.
The Medical University of South Carolina is soliciting a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Laboratory Equipment Maintenance Service Agreements.
Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal 4/17/2024 at 11:00 am-Microsoft Teams Email at least one hour prior for log-in information
Roadway improvements that include, but are not limited to, asphalt milling, asphalt overlay, and striping. Approximately 0.03 Miles.
A pre-bid meeting will be held at 2:00 pm on April 19, 2024, at the Conference Room located at the Barnwell County Agricultural Building, 34 Pechman Street, Barnwell, SC 29812.
The purpose of this project is to repair the exterior facades of the existing two-story Beaufort County Detention Center.
This is a virtual meeting. Email to receive your invite
With this solicitation Trident Technical College (TTC) seeks qualified contractors to provide, deliver, and install replacement filters and cartridges for an industrial dust collection system located at its Thornley Campus in North Charleston, SC.
The School District of Union County is seeking to establish a contract with a qualified and experiences vendor to provide professional athletic turf maintenance services throughout the District.
Construct a new drain field to conform to the original design specifications.
For site visit, please contact Sandra Brown.
South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice wishes to request quotes to provide labor and materials for epoxy flooring at the AMIKids Camp Bennettsville kitchen.
The kitchen area is 20’ x 31’ and the dry goods storage area is 19’ x 10’. These dimensions may need to be verified by Offeror. For site visit, please contact Sandra Brown.
TTC has posted an IFB for a source to provide pest control services.
Dorchester County is seeking bids from qualified and experienced contractors interested in providing pond and site restoration services at a Summerville location in Dorchester County.
Newberry County is seeking sealed bids for the road repairs to a portion of Summerset Place, located in the Prosperity area of the county. The repairs will be for full depth and overlay.
Routine Maintenance and Repair/Replacement of HVAC equipment at City buildings.
Pre-Bid Thursday April 11, 2024 at 10:00 am. Procurement Office located at 3231 Mr. Joe White Avenue, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. On-time attendance and sign-in are required for bid consideration. No late attendees will be admitted. No remote attendance options are available.
To provide permanent full depth asphalt pavement patching and traffic calming on an on-call basis.
The Contractor shall furnish and supply all necessary equipment, material, labor, tools, and supervision to repair and replace approximately 3,800 square feet of roof at the Pawleys Island WWTP Press Building.
The City of Greenwood is seeking a qualified contractor to furnish all labor, materials, supervision and travel to undertake all necessary tasks. All work, materials, inspection, and testing will be to South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) Standard Specifications, latest revisions. Paving shall be as indicated in attached specifications.
No mandatory pre-bid.
The City of Abbeville is requesting sealed bids for milling, full depth patching, paving, striping, etc. For details and bid documents please contact Cranston LLC, Attn: Ryan Sheridan at (803) 859-9451 or Please submit your sealed bids at City Hall - Administration, 100 Court Square, Abbeville, SC 29620.
The City of Abbeville is requesting sealed bids for milling, full depth patching, paving, striping, etc. For details and bid documents please contact Cranston LLC, Attn: Ryan Sheridan at (803) 859-9451 or Please submit your sealed bids at City Hall - Administration, 100 Court Square, Abbeville, SC 29620.
Responsible for the general maintenance and repairs of the shelters and the maintenance of outside shelter areas and grounds.
Rate of pay $15.00 per hour.
Spartanburg School District 2 is looking for a responsible and responsive vendor for paving services at 2 schools as specified in this solicitation. There is a required pre-bid meeting in March 28 @ 9:00 AM
March 28 @ 9:oo AM
Mayo Elementary School, 1300 Springdale Rd., Mayo, SC 29368
Spartanburg School District 2 is seeking a responsible and responsive vendor to provide painting services for Boiling Springs Elementary as specified in this solicitation. There is a mandatory prebid meeting on March 26@ 9:00 AM at Boiling Springs Elementary School.
March 26 @ 9:00 AM
Boiling Springs Elementary School, 700 Double Bridge Rd, Boiling Springs, SC 29316
This project involves the removal and replacement of the existing dry cooler that serves the water source heat pumps system. The intent is for this to be a “turn-key” project by the mechanical contractor to provide a complete and fully functional system.
Optional Site Visit - Tuesday, June 20 at 10:00AM at 290 Shoals Rd, Duncan, SC 29334