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Charleston County is seeking qualifications from engineering firms.
Town of Winnsboro’s wastewater system needs a comprehensive system assessment. Application here:
The South Carolina Office of Resilience (SCOR) seeks a qualified, licensed firm to provide engineering and design services for drainage improvements in Darlington County. The Pre-Submittal conference will be held on Monday, March 31, 2025 at 1:00 PM (for zoom link, see RFQ at
Berkeley County School District seeks highly qualified Architectural and Engineering Firms to provide services on an "as needed" basis.
Addendum # 1:031225 for RFQ 2025-01 Hampton County Recreation Center Conversion to answer any questions received.
Design and construction of a poultry science research facility on the Piedmont Research & Education Center near the main campus of Clemson University. The new animal holding facilities will include an approximately 12,000 square foot broiler building to accommodate up to 4,000 birds and a 10,000 square foot building for layer systems. Both are to be located on the grounds of the recently decommissioned Starkey swine farm.
Engineering services to develop a Project Manual, Project Plan Set, and a Comprehensive Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (C-SWPPP) in accordance with the SC Office of State Engineer’s (OSE) requirements of Design-Bid-Build for Procurements Greater than $100,000 for a demolition and site stabilization project (Project) consisting of 40 residential properties throughout Darlington County.
The City of North Augusta (City) is soliciting statements of qualifications from professional transportation planning and engineering consulting firms for continuing contract services involving the periodic design of road, intersection, parking, Greenway, and related transportation improvement projects (Project) in the City. The City is seeking firms whose combination of experience and expertise will provide timely, professional services to the City.
Florence County, South Carolina (Owner) is accepting bids from licensed and qualified Contractors for
Florence SCIIP Drainage Improvements – Bid Pkg 1 – Malden, McMaster and Stratton.
The City of Laurens is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified architectural firms to provide design and planning services for the development of an Amphitheater, Farmers Market, and Clock Tower. The selected firm will be responsible for conceptual design, construction documents, permitting assistance, and construction oversight.
City of Chester is seeking Requests for Qualifications to identify a licensed engineer for a Stormwater Study. Funding provided in whole or in part by the South Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority. The RFQ in its entirety can be viewed by contacting Elizabeth Morgan The City of Chester is an Equal Opportunity Employer & encourages proposals from small, minority, disadvantaged, women-owned, & Section 3 businesses.
Pickens County, hereinafter referred to as “The County” is seeking a qualified individual or firm to provide architectural consulting and design services on an as-needed basis. Projects are primarily undertaken based on requests from Building Maintenance, Fire Districts, and other County Government facilities. The process will include a review of qualifications and shortlisting. This is a 3-year agreement with three (3) additional one-year renewal options.
The City of Barnwell is issuing this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to identify a South Carolina licensed engineer to provide a full range of engineering services to support the implementation of the Sewer System Evaluation Survey (SSES) for Downtown Barnwell.
Heath Springs is seeking Requests For Qualifications to identify a licensed engineer for a Water & Sewer Study. Funding provided in whole or in part by the South Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority. The RFQ in its entirety can be viewed by contacting Elizabeth Morgan. Heath Springs is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages proposals from small, minority, disadvantaged, women-owned, & Section 3 businesses.
Provide Architectural services as needed for various size & scope projects at SC Department of Veterans' Affairs (SCDVA) facilities statewide. The scope of work may consist of feasibility studies, cost estimating, construction document creation, bidding and construction administration as required. Some delivery orders executed under the IDQ may require coordination of work with other SCDVA consultants (i.e. engineers and third-party inspectors).
Establish Phase 1 for the Dearborn Island State Park Development. Development of the facility will include master planning of park layout, design of restroom facilities with included utilities, design of kayak and boat launch areas, and the design of structures to serve as lookout areas for the higher elevations of the property.
School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties is requesting qualification statements from qualified firms to provide Architectural and Engineering Services for the design of new Cafeteria/Student Center (Phase 1) and the renovation of the current cafeteria into a Small Business Incubator (Phase 2) at Irmo High School.
The Utilities Division of the City of Cayce is seeking to retain the services of an experienced professional engineering Consultant to provide engineering services related to the preparation of a sanitary sewer master plan, a sewer system hydraulic model of the City’s infrastructure, and capital improvement plans to execute said plan.
The County of Darlington, South Carolina, is seeking candidates to provide architectural drawings for the renovation of Pineridge Station 8 in the Darlington County Fire District.
The project will include space reconfiguration, new interior finishes, and MEP upgrades. New bathrooms, improved ADA accessibility to and throughout the building, renovating or replacing the elevator, life safety upgrades, repair and repaint exterior details. Renovating auditorium, including seating, finishes, sound, light, AV, and stage rigging.
Utility engineering and related services for projects on various facilities and assets of the university. Utility systems may include steam systems, chilled water systems, electrical infrastructure, and other utility systems as required. Work may include the development of design standards, planning services, design and construction plan development and review, and field assessments to evaluate systems and ensure safety, reliability and consistency.
The County of Darlington, South Carolina, is seeking candidates to provide engineering services for the design of replacing the chiller and boiler system at the Darlington County Government Building.
The Town of Lane is issuing this Request for Qualifications to identify a licensed engineer to provide a full range of engineering services to support the implementation of the Town of Lane Water System Planning Study.
The Town of Lane is issuing this Request for Qualifications to identify a licensed engineer to provide a full range of engineering services to support the implementation of the Town of Lane Water System Planning Study.
The City of Beaufort is seeking proposals from qualified master planners and landscape architects for the design and build of a proposed passive park commemorating the 1st South Carolina Volunteers of African Descent (1SCVAD) of the U.S. Army.
The County of Darlington, South Carolina, is seeking qualified firms to submit proposals for a chiller and boiler project design at the Darlington County Government Building. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 11:00 a.m.
The City of Greenville is seeking proposals for design services for the Swamp Rabbit Trail Green Line between Hudson Street and River Street (between Unity Park and Downtown Greenville). The project consists of designing, cost estimating, and bid development, as well as value engineering and obtaining any necessary permits for construction.