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The Governor's School of Arts & Humanities, in accordance with South Carolina Procurement Code, Section 11-35-1570 and regulation 19-445.2110, is providing public notice of the award of an emergency contract to McCarter Mechanical Inc. The total potential value of the contract is $99,898.00.
This procurement is for the emergency replacement of a boiler. The lack of a functional boiler did not allow for students to perform personal hygiene, and the Contractor was the lowest quote received and the fastest delivery and installation period.
Please see Section 11-35-4210: Right to Protest of the South Carolina Code of Laws for information relating to protest rights.
The University of South Carolina intends to enter into a sole source contract per S.C. Code Ann. §11-35-1560 to Triple P -
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) for training program and training materials required for project 10013597
for Building Bridges Between Families and Schools
SimCartRX Elite, ORMD Demo Dose Auto Dispencse Cart Rx Sample Bundle Kit, SimEMR Subscription, MDS Training online 2 hours 1-on-1, and OSIS Assembly/Install level 1 Sim Cab/Sim Cart 1 unit.
In accordance with §11-35-1560 (A) of the SC Consolidated Procurement Code, it is the intent of the Colleton County School District to award without competition a sole source contract in accordance with Regulation 19-445.2105 (B) (5) to Yondr.
The Colleton County School District is entering into a contract with Yondr for locking cell phone pouches, unlocking bases and other supplies and training/support in the amount of $62,493.40 plus taxes.
Bidder’s right to protest as listed in Section 11-35-4210 in the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code applies to this announcement of a sole source procurement.
Protest to be filed with:
Chief Procurement Officer
Materials Management Office
1201 Main Street, Suite 600
Columbia, SC 29201
Please submit documentation if you are able to supply the above products and services. Responses will be accepted until March 17, 2025 at 10:00 AM. Please submit all inquiries and responses to Susan Crosby at This notice of intent and any amendments will be posted at the following web address: .
Academic experience that includes services such as on-site orientation, specific academic coursework in alignment with the student's academic degree program at Winthrop, various cultural events and activities, on-site student support, as well as emergency and risk management support at this specified location during the specific timeframe indicated by the student for their program.
Academic experience that includes services such as on-site orientation, specific academic coursework in alignment with the student's academic degree program at Winthrop, various cultural events and activities, on-site student support, as well as emergency and risk management support at this specified location during the specific timeframe indicated by the student for their program.
Services provided by this vendor include things such as on-site orientation, specific academic coursework in alignment with the student's academic degree program at Winthrop, various cultural events and activities, on-site student support, as well as emergency and risk management support at this specified location during the specific timeframe indicated by the student for their program.
The University of South Carolina Upstate is in need to rent advertisement space inside the Spartanburg Baseball Stadium to reach more potential students by advertising in an area where both local and long-distance travelers will be exposed to the ads for the University.
South Carolina State University is seeking lodging for Marching Band Members to stay in Greensboro October 9-11, 2025. The stay is for an estimated 95 rooms. This game is North Carolina A & T's Homecoming game. The justification for sole source is that there are no other hotels in the area with availability as of March 6, 2025. If another source is available, please contact Stacy by email to
Spartanburg School District 2 intends to enter into a sole source with CodeHS. CodeHS provides a unique, comprehensive curriculum and platform tailored specifically for teaching computer science and coding skills at the K-12 level. Its proprietary content, interactive tools, and integrations with learning management systems are not available from other providers in the same capacity, making it the only vendor capable of fulfilling the specific educational needs of our program. This anticipated dollar amount for the 25-26 School year is $51,800.00
Imaging Collaboration for Clemson Campus Research and patient care services. High-field three Tesla (3T) magnetic resonance imaging scanner to be owned and operated by Prisma Health.
This is the annual subscription for Touchnet Information Systems that supplies the ability for our College payment system. Touchnet has direct integrations with Ellucian.
An Incident Management Team has been activated under the Southeastern Forest Fire Compact that specializes in managing fire suppression activities. This team trains to the same standards used in South Carolina and will come with the experience to step in and relieve our internal resources right away.
Emergency replacement of domestic hot water system at TD Arena.
The South Carolina Department of Public Health (DPH) is providing public notice of the intent to award a sole source contract to ACF Technologies, Inc. DPH previously procured the Q-Flow system through a competitive bid process in 2011. DPH intends to procure implementations services for a software upgrade for the existing Q-Flow system.The total estimated dollar amount of the purchase is $56,452.50.Qualified vendors should contact Amber Kerr at no later than 5 PM ET, March 13, 2025 for additional information.
The Education Oversight Committee (EOC) intends to contract with The South Carolina Council on Competitiveness (SC Competes) to develop Report card requirements for charter, alternative, and career and technology schools. The nature of the work demands a great deal of input from business and industry. SC Competes has worked for nearly two decades in linking education and business and industry, so they have unique understanding of the needs around this State statute requirement.
The Department of Administration will contract with Armada Systems Inc to provide subscriptions for the Armada Commander to centrally manage Starlink devices obtained during Hurricane Helene recovery efforts in the Fall of 2024. While there are resellers available, each reseller has a unique platform to enable users to manage multiple Starline devices simultaneously. Subscriptions purchased from other resellers will not be visible through the Armada Commander.
The SC Dept. of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) in a voluntary agreement with the Department of Justice (DOJ) outlines essential changes in policies and training across key areas, including staffing, investigations, programming, use of force, classification, isolation, and responses to youth-on-youth assaults. The agreement also calls for a transformative cultural shift from a corrections-based juvenile justice model to a more contemporary and rehabilitative approach.
Procurement of Mechanical Fabrication and AC/DC Learning Systems
ATI will take CDL exam routes for third-party testing organizations as submitted by SCDMV and convert them into GIS shapefiles to be imported into the mCDL Android application for modernized testing.
The South Carolina Department of Mental Health (DOFS) is interested in purchasing a maintenance work order software designed specifically for healthcare facilities. The system will need to accommodate approximately 200 users at varies job levels, which will serve approximately 2 million square feet. The maintenance work order system will serve as a formal request for maintenance and repairs ensuring that center, facilities and equipment are running efficiently and safely. The work order system is critical for managing resources, safety, tracking progress and maintaining a history of completed orders. A new system will help DMH to streamline progresses, automate tracking, enhance reporting, tracking compliance, and increase productivity. The software SCDMH is seeking for the physical plant workorder system must have the following: 1) Must be a Cloud-based system. 2) Must be able to separate and manage multiple inpatient facilities and mental health centers. 3) Must have both options for computer and mobile data entry. 4) Must have real-time dashboards and reporting they needed to ensure a timely response to work requests and manage staff productivity. 5) Must be able to track cost related to each ticket. 6) Must have pre-established features targeted specifically at Joint Commission accredited hospital facilities. 7) Must be able to build reports specific to Environment Care codes and save them for automatic delivery on a desired timeline. 8) Must have pre-established built in up-to-date compliance standards for the Joint Commission. System must also provide automatic compliance standard updates to Joint Commission standards. 9) Must have pre-built deficiency specific dashboards for generating automated work orders and notifications. 10) Must have embedded pre-established standards that can be used to automatically link compliance guidelines directly to a work order or asset based on asset type and life safety risk ranking criteria. 11) System must integrate the latest codes from the Joint Commission with key asset management tasks and rounding activities into one system. 12) Must have Integrated safety notes/ Lockout-Tagout. 13) Must provide access and downloads for pre-built reports to measure the effectiveness of the workforce. 14) Must have reporting and analysis capabilities. 15) Must provide templates for reports and inspections. 16) Must have the ability to plan for future work orders to be created for preventative maintenance. 17) System must provide barcoding for assets. 18) Must provide a customer satisfaction survey for feedback. 19) Must provide 24-hour technical support 20) Must provide training on system prior to go-live and step by step instructions provided after go live. 21) Must have the ability to use Single Sign-on (SSO) with Entra ID.
SCDMH Physical Plant services are responsible for multiple centers/facilities that are dated with roofing issues. When there is a roof leak, DMH needs a reliable contractor that will come out to fix these issues quickly due to staff and patient safety concerns. If the roofs are not fixed quickly, then additional issues could arise such as mold. The vendor will respond to requests for repair of roof leaks at multiple buildings that house full time patients/residents and staff. If these leaks are not resolved quickly it can impact the indoor air quality for everyone in the buildings. .SCDMH reached out to multiple Roofing Contractors that are SC Registered vendors, but CMS is the only vendor that has supplied quotes for the needed work
The University of South Carolina in accordance with Section 11-35-1560 of the South Carolina Procurement Code intent to sole source to Technolutions, Inc. for a renewal subscription as a cloud-based-Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider.
The SC Dept. of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) in a voluntary agreement with the Department of Justice (DOJ) outlines essential changes in policies and training across key areas, including staffing, investigations, programming, use of force, classification, isolation, and responses to youth-on-youth assaults. The agreement also calls for a transformative cultural shift from a corrections-based juvenile justice model to a more contemporary and rehabilitative approach.
The University of South Carolina intends to enter into a sole source contract per S.C. Code Ann. §11-35-1560 with Ellucian Company for the software maintenance and support of the University System Wide Student Services ERP.
HGTC is expanding it's Nursing program and is building a new facility to accomodate this expansion. In as such, we need to purchase simulation manikins to match what we currently have for congruency in teaching the students.
HGTC is building a new Nursing Training Building to expand it's existing program. The manikins on this order will match existing manikins already being utilized by the college to standardize our training processes.
Enhancements to the SCDMV Celtic system.
The School District of Pickens County hereby provides notice that it intends to enter into a sole source contract per School District of Pickens County Procurement Code §11-35-1560 with the Vendor for the following supplies, services, information technology, or construction: Goalbook dba Enome, Inc. This is a yearly contract value of $87,000.00 with option to renew up to two additional years.
The University of South Carolina in accordance with Section 11-35-1560 of the South Carolina Procurement Code intents to sole source to ServiceNow, Inc. for a renewal subscription as a cloud-based-Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider.
The college chapel had this company to install a pipe organ in 2014. The construction of the additional add to the pipe organ cannot be completed by a different company because it will void the warranty on the entire instrument.
Midlands Technical College intends to sole source 6 ea Haas St-15 with Simulator from Phillips Corporation. Phillips Corporation is the sole distributor for SC for Haas equipment.
NETC will engage with Lisa Prince to assist in the transition of operations for the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) to its new leadership. Her role will include setting policies, ensuring compliance with federal and state programs, and overseeing all scheduled financial assistance reports and compliance requirements from January 2025 through June 2025 on an as-needed basis. Additionally, she will support the transition in managing financial aid programs, including federal, state, institutional, and private funds. Lisa will ensure the equitable distribution of aid to eligible students while maintaining regulatory compliance. She will also assist with the implementation and administration of all financial aid awards throughout this period.
The University of South Carolina in accordance with Section 11-35-1560(A) intends to enter into a sole source contract per S.C. Code Ann 11-35-1560 with CULR, LLC for membership to the South Carolina Research Education Network (SC_REN) for gateway access to Internet2.
NETC will engage with SCI-Premier Solutions to assist in the overall transition of operations of the Office of Vice President of Student Affairs to its new leadership, as well as transition pertinent time-sensitive projects. Assist in the transition of divisional compliance with the college mission by consulting in the review of non-academic student engagement plans, goals and objectives, and service activities.
The agency must provide services to stabilize youth in their home who are at imminent risk of entering foster care. Richland county and other counties across the state are experiencing a placement crisis for children entering care who have complex behavioral health issues. Evidence-based prevention services are needed to ameliorate conditions present that would contribute to children entering care and prevent the exacerbation of current emergency circumstances of the Department.