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Sealed bids for the construction of the Saluda County Access Road Extension Phase 1 will be received by Thomas & Hutton in the Saluda County Administration Conference Room located at 400 West Highland Street, Saluda, South Carolina 29138 until 3:00 PM local time on January 29, 2025, at which time they will be publicly opened
The construction of a 14,000 sq. ft., single story building , Type II construction consisting of steel columns, beams, and concrete slab on grade. Facades are of brick and pre-cast concrete, EFIS, and aluminum storefront. Roofing includes asphalt shingle and modified bitumen. Utilities include Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, Natural Gas, Site Grading, and Landscape. The building has two large classrooms and five nursing simulation laboratories.
Replacement and upgrades of the building's HVAC systems including removal of existing 2 pipe CHW/HW distribution system, fan coils, etc with new 4 pipe hydronic system and fan coils throughout.
Asphalt pavement rehabilitation for Parking Lot F.
Calhoun County is securing proposals from qualified vendors to remove existing shingles, repair any damaged decking (plywood or shiplap), and install new, 30-year, architectural shingles (Weathered Wood) color.
Florence County, South Carolina (Owner) is accepting bids from licensed and qualified Contractors to perform Road Resurfacing with HMA of Raider Road in Florence County, SC.
Interior Renovations including office and restroom upgrades, painting, lighting, and support for other ongoing systems upgrades in the building. There are alternates for a fire alarm system upgrade and interior painting. Bids shall be submitted in accordance with hand-delivery or mail service only. Small and minority business participation is highly encouraged
The project consists of approximately 411 linear feet of shoreline stabilization, including plantings and rip-rap. Bids will be received for a single prime contract and shall be on a lump sum price basis.
The Beaufort Jasper Water & Sewer Authority (Owner) hereby requests your consideration in submitting a bid to perform the following scope of work. BJWSA has approximately 520 feet of 6” gravity sewer line that needs to be replaced. Currently there are 4 manholes located in this line that will be affected.
Projects should include updated and energy efficient HVAC systems, building controls, and other building system recapitalization and optimization with energy efficient equipment. The Dept. of Admin. will not consider proposals for exhibit specific lighting, solar or alternative energy, cogeneration or off campus chilled water and steam services. Specifically excluded from this project are AHU-1-2, AHU-P-3, AHU-4-2, AHU-3-3, AHU-3-2, and HX-C5.
Provide internal shoring support members in the West Utility Tunnel. Bids shall be submitted in accordance with hand-delivery or mail service only. Small and Minority business participation is highly encouraged.
Seeking qualified firms for the renovation of the Old Town Hall. Work includes the design and construction of a multipurpose public-use space, including upgraded bathrooms, great room, office spaces, and appropriate storage for mobile furniture and audiovisual (A/V) equipment. Building for community events and public gatherings.
Installation of approximately 4,029 LF of 6-inch, 5,280 LF of 8-inch, and 8,289 LF of 12-inch PVC waterlines replacing various existing sizes of Asbestos Cement and Cast Iron lines, new valves, new fire hydrants, connections of new water services to existing water meters, connections to existing lines, and abandonment of replaced sections of lines, and appurtenances for a complete installation. Project is funded through the SCIIP.
The project consists of installing approximately 93 linear feet of 10" DIP gravity sewer, replacing 1 existing sewer manhole, modification of 1 existing sewer service, jet cleaning approximately 150 linear feet of 10" PVC gravity sewer and grading/site stabilization of approximately 0.1 acres and 156 cubic yards of select fill.
Spartanburg County is seeking qualified contractors for the Spartanburg County 2025- 2026 Road Striping Project. All materials shall meet the Spartanburg County specifications and SCDOT Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, latest edition.
(REVISED) The replacement of the existing East Side and West Side busduct and riser system currently installed in the Edgar Brown Building.
Gravity Sewer Pipe rehabilitation by Cured-In-Place-Pipe (CIPP), pipe bursting or open cut methods. Rehabilitation of 45 existing manholes with varying combination of cementitious mortar interior lining, urethane rubber sealing system for manhole chimneys, HDPE manhole inserts, new manhole covers, new manhole frames, adjustments to/above grade. Pre-construction sewer pipe cleaning, pre/post CCTV and all necessary sewer bypass operations, pavement repair to SCDOT standards
Reconfiguration of several areas of the building, upgrades to the existing toilets and public space finishes, modification of the existing Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, and Fire Alarm building systems to accommodate the new work.
Construction of 7,12 SF of concrete sidewalk approx. 450 LF of concrete curb & gutter & approx. 624 LF of 18” precast concrete storm sewer pipe 2 concrete curb & gutter inlets/catchbasins 3 concrete catchbasins & 6 18” mitered end sections will also be installed. Construction to include soil erosion & sediment control maintenance of traffic & restoration/pavement repair/overlay. All work constructed to SCDOT standards
The Town of Mt. Pleasant is accepting statements of qualifications from construction managers at risk (CM-R) led by a general contractor licensed in the state of SC to provide professional CM-R services at risk for the expansion of the Mugsy Kerr Tennis Center Complex located at 889 Whipple Rd, Mt. Pleasant SC 29464.
Dorchester County is seeking bids from qualified and experienced contractors interested in completing the Huntington Road Gravity Sewer Extension project. Project consists of provision and installation of approximately 1,503 LF of 8-inch SDR-26 PVC gravity sewer, six (6) manholes, eight (8) sewer service laterals, and necessary appurtenances, as described in solicitation documents.
The work includes adding eastbound and westbound channelized dual left-turn lanes which each have 400 feet of storage located at the intersection of US 278 with Latitude Boulevard and Lakeside Boulevard North.
The City of Spartanburg is requesting proposals to replace the existing HVAC system in residential homes in City of Spartanburg, located at 210 St Matthews Ln, 728 Wofford St., 653 Fairfax St, 103 Dalewood . Pre-Bid: Wed. Nov. 27, 2024, starting at 9:00AM in the above order.
Replacement of 212 fan-coil units in the Wade Hampton Building.
Limited renovation of existing fire station (day room, bunk rooms, and kitchen) including MEP upgrades, and construction of a new attached single-story 4,800 gsf for offices, conference rooms, restrooms, support spaces, and other Work indicated in the Contract Documents.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN – The City of Spartanburg is requesting proposals to demolish residential structure(s) in the City of Spartanburg, at Four (4) locations - Spartanburg, SC. Pre-Bid: The pre-bid tour is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at 9:00 AM starting at the site: 316 S. Converse Street - Spartanburg, SC 29306.
Provide labor/materials for construction of improvements/expansion of an existing detention pond. Work includes clearing, grading storm drainage erosion controls, pond liner installation electrical/fountain installation and landscaping. Bidders shall submit bids in accordance with hand Delivery or Mail Service only. Small and Minority Business participation highly encouraged.
The City of Clemson is seeking the professional services of a qualified contractor, or team of contractors to provide construction services for phase construction of Clemson Park. The selected contractor is expected to provide construction activities following plans and specifications, construction management, topographical as-builts, necessary permit acquisition, shop drawings for review, and time tables for construction scheduling.
The project will realign the north leg of Deerwood Drive at Otranto Road to align with the south leg of Deerwood Drive at that intersection.
Click the link to see all information:
Approximately 5,500 linear feet (LF) of 10-inch water main, 9,100 LF of 6-inch water main, 500 LF of 4-inch water main, fire hydrants, fittings, valves, and related appurtenances. Bid Opening at Kingstree Town Hall, 401 N. Longstreet Street, Kingstree, SC 29556
The Work shall include the complete replacement of exterior glass and and new pyramid located at 1401 Main St as indicated on the contract documents titled "1401 Main street Exterior Renovations.
Renovations to the existing interior pool at the STWFC, to include a new zeroentry ramp, concrete, tile, quartz aggregate finish, railings, equipment, grating, lighting, and all other work necessary to complete the scope of the project. Bids shall be submit in accordance with Hand-Delivery or Mail Service only. Small and Minority Business participation highly encouraged.
Bids must include bid security in the form of 5% total bid amount, payment bond, and performance bond. Include signed acknowledgement of addenda with bid. Include Contractors license also.
The Fort Mill School District is seeking contractors to replace cabinets and countertops at Gold Hill Elementary School. It is strongly urged that you attend the pre-bid site meeting taking place on November 27, 2024 9 a.m. There are no drawings for this project and measurements will be necessary. Please see Vendor Registry link for details.
Separate sealed bids for Graham Road Pump Station Relocation for the City of Lake City will be received by City of Lake City in the Administrative Offices, 202 Kelley Street, Lake City, SC 29560 until 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, January 9, 2025, and then at said place be publicly opened and read aloud. The Project consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to construct the Graham Road Pump Station Relocation.
Georgetown County, South Carolina Department of Public Services is soliciting sealed public bids to award an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for the repair and/or resurfacing of roads and/or streets with Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement materials. See bid document for full details and bid requirements.
Remove existing waterproofing system on the front entrance to the courtyard & rear entrance to the 2nd fl. & install new waterproofing to the concrete landing & stairs where applicable. Remove & replace existing failing intumescent paint from exterior steel on the roof penthouse, the 2 walkways to Sunco Pavilion. & the steel supporting the landing at the front/rear entr.
Including but not limited to, ceiling renovations required in conjunction with fire suppress. piping and sprinkler heads being added at the 5th floor (Hipp Side), & other work indicated in Bid Documents. There is one alternate for new light fixtures & return air grilles. Bidders shall submit bid in accordance with Hand-Delivery or Mail Service only. Small and Minority Business participation highly encouraged.
Construction of approx. 2,440 LF of 8" waterline, 20 LF of 6" waterline, bore & jack 20" steel casing with carrier pipe, connections to existing water mains, installation of new service lines to existing water meters, abandonment of existing water lines & valves, installation of gate valves & fire hydrant assemblies, as specified & depicted in the Contract Documents for fire flow protection & to serve the existing residences along Hwy. 321.
Grading, drainage pipes, utility relocation, and asphalt pavement replacement necessary to construct the City of Manning Stormwater Improvements Phase I.
Furnish all materials and equipment and perform all labor necessary for the installation of approximately 825 LF of 6-inch water main, approximately 250 LF of 2" PEX-A CTS DR9 W/12 GA copper tracer wire, and other work and materials as identified in the Drawings and Specs.
Horry County Government is requesting solicitation bids for Sinkhole Repairs for three sites Q1 FY 25 IFB # 2024-25-026.
Base Bid: Two (2) new deep municipal test/production wells, turbine pumps, concrete well pads, pre-fabricated, precast concrete treatment building, piping, valves, treatment equipment, site work, electrical, telemetry, and appurtenances.
The scope of services shall include all labor, equipment, materials, supplies, electrical, mechanical, removal of all site debris, removal of all waste material and spoil created by the successful Bidder, removal of old equipment replaced on this project, permit and license fees as applicable, supervision, site preparation including site clean-up
Interior tenant upfit for partial 3rd floor, consisting of but not limited to walls, doors, ceilings, lighting and millwork. Bidders shall submit bids in accordance with Hand-Delivery or Mail service only. Small and Minority business participation is highly encouraged.
Sealed bids for CONSTRUCTION MYRTLE ROAD & ORA LANE EAST OF CHESTERFIELD, SOUTH CAROLINA will be received by the CHESTERFIELD COUNTY for constructing approximately 1,655 linear feet of 20 feet wide hot mix asphalt (HMA) surface type C, with a 6-inch stone base, and storm-drainage improvements.
Provide labor and materials to sawcut and remove specified section of existing asphalt, remove and replace specified section of curb, cut and cap abandoned sewer line, remove and replace specified section of broken pipe, install precast concrete headwall, grass former cul-de-sac area, construct the necessary grading improvements, and install the appropriate erosion control blanket as specified in construction drawings.
Construction of drainage improvements, concrete curb and gutter, on-street parking, landscaping, and streetlights along Duke Street (S-54) between Hamar Street (S-67) and Bladen Street (S-483). Specific work items for this project include, but are not limited to, traffic control, earthwork, asphalt paving, roadway widening, storm drainage improvements, construction of concrete sidewalks, pavement markings, and signage.
The City of Beaufort plans to implement stormwater drainage improvements along Otter Circle from 1141 Otter Circle to 1149 Otter Circle in the Battery Shores Neighborhood to alleviate persistent local ponding and stormwater drainage issues.
The City of Florence is accepting sealed bids from qualified and licensed contractor to make improvements to the stormwater system along Pennsylvania Street. To obtain bid documents, potential bidders should go to // .
Boyd Street Sidewalk – Boyd Street, Hardeeville, SC 29927
Public Works Parking Lot – 1612 Plantation Drive, Hardeeville, SC 29927
Hardeeville Recreation Center Parking Lot – 285 John Smith Road, Hardeeville, SC 29927
Hardeeville Recreation Center Complex - 285 John Smith Road, Hardeeville, SC 29927
The County of Chesterfield is seeking bids from licensed and qualified contractors to construct a 30 X 50 engineered metal shell building. All interested bidders are REQUIRED to attend a pre-bid meeting on site at 1218 E Blvd., Thur. Nov 21 at 10:00 am.
Beaufort County Parks and Recreation is soliciting bids for the replacement of the existing rubberized gymnasium flooring with new Sports Maple Hardwood Flooring at the Charles Lind Brown Community Center at 1001 Hamar Street, Beaufort SC, 29902.
This scope of work includes but is not limited to: Recoat Area 1 existing asphalt surfaces of the main building loop and address circled paving area, main drive is to be restriped as shown on the plan sheets. Recoat Area 2 existing asphalt surfaces of the side parking lot and address the circled paving areas at the 2 basins and restriped as shown on plan sheets. Pre-Bid: 11-26-24 at 10 am - Onsite: 2670 Bonds Ave, N. Charleston, SC 29405.
Design-Bid-Build for +/- 1,300-LF of sidewalk along Castle Hall Road and Wall Street in the Town of Yemassee, Beaufort County with associated site work.
Documents may be obtained from: Alliance Consulting Engineers, Inc. ( ; (803) 779-2078)
This project includes stabilization, weatherization, and particularly the replacement of the roof and cupola repairs. All work will be be in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
This project consists of the removal and disposal of 3 existing single span concrete bridge decks and 6- end bents. As well as the installation of 3 new prefabricated steel bridge superstructure with open grate decking and modified concrete end bents with backwalls and steel piling/ approach slabs.
Demolition of surface wash sweeps, replacement of filter media with addition of GAC, installation of new air scour system with blower and control modifications, replacement of electric valve actuators, and related piping instrumentation and electrical work for existing four filters at 3.87 MGD water treatment plant.
Replace one chiller, one cooling tower, select pumps and associated components with the Bluffton Facilities Building. Bids shall be submitted in accordance with hand-delivery or mail service only. Small and minority business participation is highly encouraged.
Construction of a new chemical building with day tanks and pumping equipment, bulk storage tanks and containment area, residuals lagoon dredging and effluent control structure improvements, site work, electrical, and other misc. improvements to an existing 3.87 MGD water treatment plant.
Georgetown County, SC is soliciting sealed bids for the demolition and removal of various home structures throughout Georgetown County as part of phase three (3) of the County's blight removal project. See bid document for a listing of locations and full bid details.
The Facility Services Division of the Georgetown County, SC Public Services Department is soliciting sealed, public bids to perform a hydraulic elevator modernization on the back elevator at the Screven Street Georgetown County Courthouse. This passenger car accesses two (2) floors. Ability of the contractor to perform in a timely manner is of extreme importance.
This Scope of Work includes but is not limited to; replace all ceiling tile in the noted area buildings 1,2 & 3. Coordinate removal with camera relocations, fire alarm, speakers, separate sound systems, BDA devices, exit lights, light fixture and ceiling supports, HVAC grilles, drain lines at ceiling, Wi-Fi devices. Repair grid tees and runners along with sagging ceiling wires. Pre-Bid: 11-26-24 at 1 PM, 4399 Corporate Rd, Bldg 300 N. Charleston SC 29405.
Vital Connections of the Midlands, Inc. seeks to renovate/remodel and modernize the playground for children from birth to three located at 223 Riley Street Columbia SC 29201. Vital Connections expects to work with the design/builder on this project to maximize efficiency, overall quality and cost savings. The project is subject to the Davis-Bacon Laws and Build America Buy America regulations.
Abandonment/demolition of an existing pump station & wetwell, a new duplex package suction lift station and appurtenances, backup generator, site work, electrical, 282 lf of 8-inch gravity sewer with 3 new manholes, 40 lf of 6-inch force main and appurtenances.
Division 1 - Improvements to Raw Water Pump Station
Division 2 - Installation of Mechanical Bar Screen
Division 3 - Purchase and Installation of Generator
Seeking bids for Bid Option 1, Bid Option 2, and Bid Option 3, either individually or as a combined bid for all options. Bid Option 1:Earthwork for Clearing and Grubbing, Topsoil, and Fine Grading; Bid Option 2: Earthwork Erosion Control and Grassing; Bid Option 3: Airport Drainage and Pavement Repair.
Pre Bid Information: A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held inperson and on Zoom on Monday, November 25, 2024 at 1:00 pm.
Revised: Bid Postponed Until Further Notice - The scope of work for this project is to provide a standby Generator and associated equipment and re-route existing service connections through transfer switch to back-up entire building.
Revised: Bid Postponed Until Further Notice - The scope of work for this project is to provide a standby Generator and associated equipment and re-route existing service connections through transfer switch to back-up entire building.
Reconfiguration of several areas of the building, upgrades to the existing toilets and public space finishes, modification of the existing Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, and Fire Alarm building systems to accommodate the new work.
Revised (Change in Bid Opening Date) Replacement of existing fire alarm system in Dinkins Hall (46,450SF) with fire alarm voice evacuation system.
Reconfiguration of several areas of the building, upgrades to the existing toilets and public space finishes, and modification of the existing Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection, and Fire Alarm building systems to accommodate the new work.
Project includes approx. 26 acres of demolition to existing park and roadway, constructing 8 athletic fields, 2 basketball courts, 2 concession/restroom facilities, 3 picnic shelters, equipment building, ADA playground, roadway work, 430 space paved parking lot, water and wastewater work, stormwater work, fencing, landscaping, and irrigation. Please go to to see the full advertisement.
Dillon County, SC is seeking proposals from qualified design-build teams interested in providing design and construction services for renovations to Dillon County Class 3 Transfer Station. Mandatory pre bid meeting will be held at the transfer station on Dec 5 2024.
Project includes but not limited to; Package Booster Pump Station with ~2,100 LF of DIP (Size range 6”-10”) with valves, hydrants, jack/bore casing, temporary bypass with line stops, and appurtenances. Project location along Beaufort Road, Camden, SC.
The work includes the installation of tertiary pumps for the Fulp Hall building along with controls upgrades for the existing chilled water system. Additionally included is the testing, adjusting, and balancing of existing air side equipment.
Contract 1: Sewer 9,000 L.F. of 8-in sewer, 2,800 L.F. of 8-in sewer and 1,700 L.F. of 10-in sewer rehab using C.I.P. pipe, & 2,545 L.F. of 8-in sewer rehab using HDPE pipe bursting. See advertisement. Contract 1A - (Sewer Rehabilitation - Alternate) Contract 2: Waterline installing 11,600 L.F. of 6-in D.I.P, 850 L.F. of 8-in D.I.P., 360 L.F. ... See advertisement
Asphalt pavement rehabilitation for Parking Lot F.
Aiken County Government is soliciting RFP's for 25-01-P Horse Creek Sewer Extension Church of Nazarene. The pre-proposal meeting is Tuesday November 19th 2024 10:00 a.m. at the Aiken County Government Center, in the Chinquapin Conference Room, 3rd floor. Vendors are encouraged to attend and get familiar with the project.
Horry County Government is requesting bids for Legends Drive Road Improvement Project. Bids will be submitted via Horry County’s electronic bid software only. No fax, email, telephone, hand delivered, or text bid submittals will be accepted. IFB may be obtained by visiting BidNet Direct. Electronic bid submittals must include the bidder's current (active) State of SC General Contractor's License.
Improvements at the Wastewater Treatment Facility including replacement of a mechanical bar screen, slide gates, grit removal system, generator, treatment pond liners and sludge removal and all appurtenances.
Georgetown County is seeking sealed bids for the resurfacing of various roads within Georgetown County with Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement materials. See bid document for full details and bid requirements.
The Project consists of the installation of approximately 5,200 linear feet of 8-inch PVC water line, 6,700 linear feet of 6-inch PVC water line, 240 linear feet of 10-inch HDPE water line, 160
linear feet of 8-inch HDPE water line, 16 fire hydrants and all related appurtenances.
Provide and install a new booster pump for the domestic water system at Swain Hall.
The City of Folly Beach (“City”) is seeking proposals from qualified Contractors, (“Contractor”) to provide approximately 7000 square feet of interior flooring replacement for the 2nd floor interior spaces at the Folly Beach Public Safety Building, 106 W. Cooper Ave, Folly Beach South Carolina.
The City of Folly Beach (“City”) is seeking proposals from qualified Contractors,(“Contractor”) to provide approximately 9000 square feet of interior painting for the 2nd-floor interior spaces at the Folly Beach Public Safety Building, 106 W. Cooper Ave, Folly Beach South Carolina.
The City of Folly Beach (“City”) is seeking proposals from qualified Contractors, (“Contractor”) to construct a multi-use path along 2nd Street E, from E. Cooper Avenue to E. Indian Avenue.
Greenwood County will be accepting Request for Proposals for the construction of Cell 4 Expansion ( approximately 11.7 acres) at the County's Class Three Landfill located at 1115 Siloam Church Road, Greenwood, SC 29646.
All labor, tools, and equipment for the successful installation and start-up of a 60” spur gear and worm gear, a 42” spur gear and worm gear, four (4) wearing shoes, and thirty (30) stainless steel squeegees. This includes complete dewatering of the clarifier as needed during construction, the removal of the existing identical equipment and all additional work necessary for installation. Provide gear oil and assistance during start-up services.
The City of Greenville is assisting the Greenville Transit Authority (GTA) in Greenville, South Carolina, in soliciting proposals from qualified firms for the installation of bus stop pads, benches, solar lighting, trash receptacles, sidewalk, and other infrastructure in support of Greenville’s public transit service. This project includes bus stops located along SCDOT and locally owned roads within GTA’s service area.
The City of Greenville is requesting sealed bids from qualified contractors for its Ashley Avenue Improvements Project. The base bid scope of services includes construction of a 40.75-foot traffic planter island, approx. 500 LF of curb & gutter and more.
1st floor of bldg will include an event space, restrooms, stairs to upper level and an elevator, 2nd floor will consist of an exhibit space, private office space, meeting room, storage rooms, and warming kitchen. total gross SF of the building is 9,315-SF. new wood stud walls to create new spaces, windows, revised storefront entrances, poured concrete porch and ADA compliant ramp, Elevator, revised code compliant stairs, new sprinkler fire suppression system a new shingle roof.
The City of West Columbia is revising the submittal due date from Tuesday, November 12, 2024, to Thursday, December 12, 2024, by 5:00 PM EST.
Berkeley County is requesting bids from qualified construction firms to provide Resurfacing and Base Work on 97 County Roads in Berkeley County, South Carolina.
The City of Clemson and SCDOT are partnering to install an alpha series battery back upon two intersections within the US 123 corridor to improve safety and operations at the intersection of US 123 @ US 76 and US 123 @ SC 133. This project, which includes the installation of a battery backup system, new cabinet and pedestal base along with all associated wiring for installation.
Snowden Sidewalk project, located in Charleston County, shall consist of the construction of approximately 1100 linear feet of new concrete sidewalk along Alston Street and Maggie Road
Granite Road Paving project is located on Wadmalaw Island and includes roadway resurfacing and drainage repairs to approximately 0.29 miles of Granite Road
Construct Div-1: 1,463 LF of 2”, 1,932 LF of 3”, 17,582 LF of 6”, & 99,475 LF of 8” waterlines, & all appurtenances; Div-2: 40 new hydrants on existing mains; Div-3: New 200,000-gal elevated water storage tank, foundation, yard piping, & all appurtenances; Div-3-Alt-1: Used 200,000-gal elevated water storage tank option; Div-4: Well, pump w/ switchgear/controls, gas chlorination system, & all appurtenances; Div-5: SCADA components to tie improvements into existing SCADA.
The Project consists of the rehabilitation by pipe burst method of approximately 8,300 linear feet of 10” gravity sewer and rehabilitating approximately 31 existing manholes.
The project will include minor demo. of a small portion of existing drywall, and removal of existing fireproofing, in order to gain access to the existing steel structure. A new steel frame will be installed to mount the new Final Four Logo to. Fireproofing around the steel shall be patched once the new steel is installed. Submit bids in accordance with Hand-Delivery or Mail Service only. Small and minority business participation is encouraged
Spartanburg County is seeking bids from vendors to perform and carry out, those services necessary to complete the SPARTANBURG COUNTY HATCHETT ROAD CULVERT REPLACEMENT PROJECT.
Installing proposed gate valves of various sizes and replacing existing valves that are non-operable. Each valve size, type (insertion or replacement) and approximate location have been provided in the construction documents. It will be the contractor's responsibility to verify the locations of the valves to be replaced or inserted in the field.
The scope of the work for this project is to provide a standby generator and associated equipment and re-route existing service conductors through transfer switch to back-up entire building.
The scope of the work for this project is to provide a standby generator and associated equipment and re-route existing service conductors through transfer switch to back-up entire building.
The scope of work for this project is to provide a standby generator and associated equipment and re-route existing service conductors through transfer switch to back-up the entire building.
Remove existing metal roof system and replace with new standing seam metal roof system and single ply roof system (at select location); Remove and replace sealant and backer rod at exterior wall cladding, windows, and louvers.
The project generally consists of a 765,000-gallon bolted stainless steel sludge holding tank with coarse bubble diffuser grid and big bubble mixing system; demolition of existing sludge drying beds; and associated work tasks
This Scope of Work includes, but is not limited to; Limited demolition, LGMS, Drywall, Paint, Ceilings, Flooring, Cabinetry, Appliances, Mechanical Equipment, plumbing, and Electrical work. Please contact Jim Knight at for details. PRE-BID: November 12, 2024 at 1 PM, Location: 4399 Corporate Rd., Building 300, North Charleston, SC 29405.
Drainage, Asphalt Intermediate Course, Asphalt Surface Course, 1'6" Concrete Curb & Gutter, Concrete Sidewalks w/ Brick Banding, Removal and Disposal Items, Landscape, Electrical, and Misc. Items.
Improvements to the passenger pick-up area along the terminal access road. Work for the project will include, but is not limited to, pavement removal, demolishing existing landscaping, traffic control, unclassified excavation, electrical arm gate removal, asphalt and concrete paving, pavement markings and signage.
This Scope of Work includes but is not limited to; Replace existing cabinetry throughout the school in classrooms as needed. Adding additional cabinetry in classrooms that need more storage. ONSITE Pre-Bid Meeting November 20, 2024 at 10:00 AM - Located at 3500 Thomas Cario Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466.
The work will consist of, but is not limited to, construction of concrete sidewalks, installation of speed cushions, and striping on Ben Marino Way from the entrance of Oceanside Collegiate Academy to the Carolina Park Recreation Complex. Work also includes pavement marking and signage.
Request for Bids to furnish all labor, materials, and equipment and perform all work for expansion of the existing terminal apron to add additional Remain Overnight Parking (RON) areas at the Charleston International Airport, North Charleston, SC. Interested parties must attend the MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7, 2024 11:00AM (LOCAL) in person or by teleconference. Contact Project Coordinator via email for teleconference instructions.
Electrical Construction and Renovation: EL Group 4 or higher license required. The completed Contractor's Statement of Qualifications & Questionnaire should be e-mailed to Dan Purini, Dan.Purini@Admin.SC.Gov, prior to the submittal due date and time.
The City of Florence is accepting sealed bids from qualified and licensed contractors to complete improvements along Dargan Street, Florence, SC.
The City of Cayce is requesting quotes from qualified contractors to assist the City with improvements to Glenwood Park. This project will include demolition of current structures and equipment, installation of new structures and equipment, as well as cleaning and repairing a portion of the park. All new components of this project shall meet ADA standards where applicable.
furnish all materials and equipment and perform all labor necessary for the installation of approximately 2,600 LF of new 8-Inch Waterline from Beaver Dam Rd to Windham Way, new service lines, fire hydrants, and abandon existing long service lines under Hwy-1 per the Proposal, as shown in contract drawings, and any property restoration, and erosion control, per City of Aiken Specifications. Non-mandatory pre-bid: Nov. 14, 2024 at 2:00 PM, 245 Dupont Dr. Aiken SC
RFP 2025032 Spartanburg County is seeking qualified contractors to complete those services needed to complete the 2024 Paving Program.
Upgrades to the headworks, biological treatment, UV disinfection, and post-aeration processes at the Maple Creek WWTP. This project is being funded in whole or in part by the South Carolina Infrastructure Investment Program (SCIIP). All federal SCIIP requirements will apply to the contract. Please see the link below for the full bid advertisement (QuestCDN Project Reference: 9337994).
Clarification of previous post - Work includes excavation to create wetland cells; installation of a box culvert, pedestrian path, and bridge; roadway repaving; stream and wetland structures; and more. This project includes ARPA funding with associated federal SLFRF and ASIP requirements. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at 11:00 AM on Nov. 13, 2024. See website for more details.
Spartanburg County is seeking qualified contractors to complete the needed improvements to West Cleveland Street and Fairforest Road Intersection and Curve Improvements Project.
This project consists of installing several pumps, valves, and meters at the Coneross Creek Water Reclamation Facility, 623 Return Church Road, Seneca, South Carolina. See detailed Request for Bids for Project #2025-05 at for full information. Mandatory pre-bid meeting to be held at site at 10am on November 13, 2024.
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary to construct a New 500,000-Gallon Elevated Storage Tank, consisting of the following approximate quantities: A 0.5 MG elevated water tank (multi-column or composite), approximately 958 LF of 12-inch water main, valves, fittings, and appurtenances, demolition and installation of two (2) altitude valves (off-site), and installation of an emergency generator (off-site).
Sumter School District request proposals for the replacement of gym flooring in two (2) schools. Bid documents can be obtained by visiting the districts website. Mandatory site visits begin at 10:00Am on Novenber 13, 2024.
Bids are due back by 11:00AM on Dec. 5, 2024.
Florence County is seeking a licensed qualified South Carolina General Contractor to for the construction of a sheet pile seawall at the Dewitt Bluff Landing, Bluff Road, Pamplico, SC 29583 on the Pee Dee River.
Project consists of the water treatment plant improvements including a Base Bid for demolition of existing generator and building, relocating and installing existing owner purchased 600 kW generator and installing existing owner purchased automatic transfer switch and appurtenances as well as an Add Alternate Bid for replacing the existing MCC with appurtenances.
Colleton County requests bids from qualified, licensed contractors to resurface approximately 6.30 miles of SCDOT and County roads. A major roadway in the solicitation is S-15-24 (Mt. Carmel Road), which extends from the I-95 overpass to Wolfe Creek Road (S-15-89), approximately 3.70 miles.
*Re-Advertisement due to Bid date change and link correction*
Replacement of existing cooling tower and chiller with new air cooled chiller
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on November 12, 2024 at 10AM via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided within the solicitation.
The replacement of the existing East Side and West Side busduct and riser system currently installed in the Edgar Brown Building.
The replacement of the Influent Screening Equipment and Structure to a position prior to the Influent Pump Station, the Construction of a replacement Grit Removal System, and the replacement of the Chlorine Contact Chamber; doubling its capacity.
MetroConnects is requesting proposals from qualified contractors for Debris Removal & Disposal Services. This solicitation will result in the selection of a firm(s) to remove & lawfully dispose of disaster-generated debris from MetroConnects right-of-ways and under limited conditions, private properties and private accesses after hurricane Helene.
Remove and replace existing wood siding. Remove and reinstall windows and perform minor roof repairs. Replace the equipment screen and associated coping.
Plans and specifications may be obtained from McMillan Pazdan Smith 864 585-5678
This project will include the following improvements: construction of a detention pond, enhanced swale, ditch grading, and additional items as shown in the construction plans. Please submit your sealed bids to Edgefield County, 210 Penn Street, Edgefield, SC 29824. A non-mandatory prebid will be held on November 20, 2024, at 2:00PM, located 210 Penn Street, Edgefield, SC 29824, for all interested parties.
The City of Easley is soliciting sealed and competitive REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS from qualified contractors. The proposed project consists of injection grouting of subterranean voids and using the Cure In Place Pipe (CIPP) lining method to rehabilitate the damaged culvert pipe.
Generostee Creek Relief Sewer includes the construction of approximately 20,600 linear feet of gravity sewer of 36-inch and 42-inch pipes. The project also includes the construction of trenchless road crossings. sewer manholes, all associated piping and appurtenances required for operation, and all necessary sitework and erosion control.
The City of Easley is soliciting sealed and competitive REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS from qualified contractors. The proposed project consists of the installation of commercial grade steel equipment shelters in the rear parking lot of the City of Easley Operations & Maintenance Facility located at 801 Pope Field Rd to help keep City owned vehicles and equipment protected.
The City of Easley is soliciting sealed and competitive REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS from qualified contractors. The proposed project consists of installing catch basins and approximately 400' of HDPE stormwater pipe between 214 & 216 Inverness Way, across the road, and then between 215 & 217 Inverness Way with a flared end section at the discharge point in the rear of the northwestern corner of the property at 215 Inverness Way.
The City of Easley is soliciting sealed and competitive REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS from qualified contractors. The proposed project consists of injection grouting of subterranean voids and using the Cure In Place Pipe (CIPP) lining method to rehabilitate the damaged culvert pipe.
The City of Easley is soliciting sealed and competitive REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS from qualified contractors. The proposed project consists of injection grouting of subterranean voids and using the cure in place pipe (CIPP) lining method to rehabilitate a damaged 24" culvert pipe.
The City of Easley is soliciting sealed and competitive REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS from qualified contractors. The proposed project consists of replacing a culvert pipe located adjacent to 200 Longview Terrace.
The installation of a new bar screen, screenings compactor, slide gates, sludge distributor, concrete paving, and associated work tasks for a complete and proper installation. Funding for the project shall be provided via a loan from the SC State Revolving Fund (SRF), and local match funding provided by the Town of Ware Shoals. SRF requirements for American Iron and Steel (AIS), Debarment Certification, and Davis-Bacon Wage Rates will apply.
Installation of approximately 3,237 LF 12-inch PVC raw water line, 140 LF 12-inch DIP, valves, fittings and other miscellaneous and related items to connect new groundwater well to Trico water treatment plant.
Construction of one 800 to 1,000 gpm groundwater well, well pumps (vertical turbine), well head piping, electrical, controls, and other miscellaneous items.
The project consists of a roof replacement at the Charleston County Law Enforcement Center
Per Construction Documents, provide labor and materials for roof and building envelope improvements.
USC seeks to engage a firm to finance, develop, and operate a variety of private commercial operations on approximately 900 acres of undeveloped property owned and controlled by the University. Firms are invited to identify opportunities to create resort, hospitality, residential, and athletic/recreational improvements. Additional information
The City of Greenville is requesting sealed bids from qualified contractors for its E. Parkins Mill Road Raised Intersections project. The scope includes construction of two raised intersections including minor storm drainage, sidewalk, curb and gutter, minor grading, pavement demolition, concrete pavement, traffic control, minor asphalt paving, sediment and erosion control, and temporary access road construction.
The limits of this project extend approximately 1.4 miles in length starting at the intersection of Pendleton Street and Mason Street extending east down Pendleton Street to the intersection with Vardry/South Main Street. An alternate bid will continue north up South Main Street to the intersection with Augusta Street.
Renovation of the 8th floor to provide pediatric inpatient rehabilitation facility services. The project will create support and therapy areas including a gym, occupational living and therapy spaces.
Richland County is soliciting electronic sealed bids from licensed contractors, for a new sidewalk along Percival Road from Forest Drive to Decker Boulevard.
Richland County is soliciting electronic sealed bids from licensed contractors, for a new sidewalk along Percival Road from Forest Drive to Decker Boulevard.
Installation of four (4) windows at the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office
Replacement of exterior egress stair and repair of the north elevation wall at Dorm C. Replacement of the exterior front stairs, porch decking, railings, and new building signage at the Marine Lab. Bidders shall submit bid in accordance with Hand-Delivery or Mail Service only. Small and Minority Business participation highly encouraged.
University of South Carolina River District Development
TN Development is requesting bids from general contractors for a rehabilitation project located at 5216 Randall Ave. This City-owned property will be undergoing rehabilitation using (HUD) funds. All work shall be subject to the City of Columbia’s Single-family Housing Improvements For Neighborhoods Enhancement Program.