Category: | Month: | Day: | Year: |
Scope of work includes roof replacement of the low slope roof areas down to the existing roof deck for approximately 228 squares at the facility. Roof replacement includes minor roof deck repairs, roof insulation, and a two-ply modified bitumen roof system. Associated sheet metal components and accessories are included.
Scope of work includes roof replacement of the low slope roof areas down to the existing roof deck for approximately 260 squares at the facility. Roof replacement includes minor roof deck repairs, roof insulation, and a two-ply modified bitumen roof system. Associated sheet metal components and accessories are included.
The International Boulevard at Tanger Outlet Boulevard Right Turn Lane project, located in the City of North Charleston, involves the construction of a right turn lane on International Blvd onto Tanger Outlet Blvd.
ADDENDUM: New closing date of April 25, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.
CWS is requesting interested contractors to complete an application for prequalification of contractors to provide all labor, equipment, and materials necessary for construction of noted project. The project consists of a horizontal offset of an existing 6" DIP water main and replacement of approximately 150 LF of 24" cast iron transmission main with 8' vertical offset to accommodate new storm drainage and all associated appurtenances. The project will be bid at a later date.
Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required to construct improvements to the existing pump
station. All work is within the pump station property.
Anderson County is seeking bids for the CONSTRUCTION OF APPROXIMATELY 7450 LF OF 30 INCH GRAVITY SEWER, 31 POLYMER CONCRETE MANHOLES, CIPP LINING OF APPROXIMATELY 2200 LF OF EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER, REHABILITAION OF UP TO 15 MANHOLES AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING SEWER, BID #24-036. NOTE: A pre-bid meeting will held on 5/2/24 @ 11:00 a.m. at the Six & Twenty WWTP. Meeting is not mandatory but highly encouraged.
Extension of reverse osmosis (RO) concentrate line from RO WTP to subaqueous discharge point in Hamlin Creek. Includes about 240-feet of 8-inch PVC, 460-feet of 8-inch HHD (directional drill), discharge port valve diffuser, 90-feet of casing, air release valves, fittings, thrust restraint, and related work.
New elevator and bathroom upgrades. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with hand-delivery or mail service only. Small and Minority business participation is highly encouarged.
Seek bids to resurface 2514 SY roads, including prep work. Bid docs/specs, 843.272.8863, or 121 North Gate Rd, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572, 10am - 2pm. Bids due by 12pm, 05.06.2024. The Town is an Equal Opportunity Employer and reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids for cause and to waive formalities in bidding.
Div I, II & III includes installation of 52,000+/- LF of 12-inch water mains & all appurtenances; Div IV includes installation of 32,000+/- LF of 3-inch water mains & all appurtenances for a complete & proper installation. Questons concerning the plans or specifications should be emailed to Rich Anderson at least seven days prior to bid opening.
This project will be a complete roof replacement at Fire Station 16 located at 131 Lake Murray Boulevard, Irmo, SC due to the age and condition of existing roof. All existing roofing and coping is to be replaced. This includes replacing the existing shingle roof with a new metal roof.
To include, but not limited to, debris removal of areas highlighted in the proposed plans, additions to the kitchen, new office area, and storage area, all countertops replaced in all restrooms, repainting all areas within the fire station, and updating all floors. Project Scope and Plan Set are located on the webpage. Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: May 6, 2024, at 10:00am, 14 N. Roosevelt St, York, SC 29745. Questions Deadline: May 13, 2024, by 12:00pm.
Work will consist of building a fieldhouse for a men’s and women’s bathroom with concessions located within the City and County of Union, South Carolina.
PRE-BID MEETING: A pre-bid meeting will be held at the City of Union’s Planning Department (101 Sharpe Ave.) at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
Renovate existing 2-story structure to student housing.
Town of Edgefield is seeking sealed bids to renovate the Council Chambers located at 400 Main St, Edgefield, SC 29824. The bidder must be a general contractor. Contractor must have or obtain all licenses, permits & insurances. Specifications may be obtained from Edgefield Town Hall, 400 Main St, Edgefield or by calling 803 - 637 - 4014 or emailing Sealed bids are due on or before May 16, 2024 at 12 noon.
The Lower Savannah Council of Governments (LSCOG) is requesting proposals to provide labor, materials and supplies for painting interior of an approximately 14,000 sq. ft., office building, located in Aiken, SC. For complete RFP visit under Opportunities tab.
The work includes softball field masonry structures (dugouts, restrooms, concessions, pressbox) incl. assoc. struct. wood & steel, finishes, mech., elect. & plum. & Work indicated in the Contract Documents. Bidders shall submit ds in accordance with Hand-Delivery or Mail Service only. Small and Minority business is highly encouraged.
Berkeley County is requesting proposals from experienced and qualified design and construction teams (“Offerors”) for a Design-Build of the new Berkeley County Courthouse.
Construction of approximately 4,000 LF of new RCP storm drainage and 32 drainage boxes, and miscellaneous demolition, utility relocation, and fine grading to facilitate the project.
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary to provide the treatment plant improvements including but not l
(REVISED BID DATE) Renovation of existing library to included new study spaces, meeting rooms, curriculum center, reading room, special collections space, admin support spaces, new monumental stair, new elevator, entry canopy, additional ext. glazing and other associated work as shown in the bid documents.
5616 LF of 12” Water Main, 312 LF of 8” Water Main, 66 LF of 6” Water Main and related appurtenances
600,000 elevated water tank (multi-column or composite) and related appurtenances
Base bid includes 2-ply, granular-surfaced, modified bitumen roof system for select areas of Bldg. 200 & all of Bldgs. 500, 600, 700, 800, & 900. Base Bid also includes maintenance & repairs to select areas of Bldgs. 200 & 1100. Removal of minor, non-friable asbestos containing materials is included for the mastics/coatings for Bldg. 200 at various penetrations. ALT 1 includes roof replacement in lieu of the maintenance and repairs Bldg. 1100.
Provide as-needed mechanical construction services over the term of the contract. Services to include equipment, installation, and repairs to mechanical systems of campus buildings. Contractor must be licensed as required by SC Contractor Licensing Board (LLR) for work covered in this solicitation. Contractor must have a SC Mechanical Contractor License with air conditioning (AC-4) and heating (HT-4) minimum classifications.
Berkeley County is seeking qualified contractors to pave the parking lot area of the Cross Community Center.
The Project consists of extending gravity sewer within the Meadows Creek Basin. The line will be predominately 15" PVC with sections of 16" ductile iron pipe and approximately 15,500lf in length with manholes, sediment and erosion control, clearing, stream crossing, roadway encasement bores, site work, and restoration. The project is being funded through funds received from the American Rescue Plan Act. Bidders must be registered in the System form Award Management.
School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties is seeking a source for the purchase and installation of six (6) factory-built, approximately 24’ x 36’ modular/portable/multiplex buildings for educational use as classrooms. The units must be delivered no later than June 30, 2024, and in operation no later than August 29, 2024.
MetroConnects (Metro) is proposing to construct and install approximately 11,750 LF of new gravity sewer pipe, 91 new manholes, 175 new sewer laterals up to right-of-way and reroutes on private property, and CIPP of approximately 215 LF of 8-inch gravity sewer and 420 LF of 10-inch gravity sewer, and abandonment of approximately 10,920 LF of 6-inch, 8-inch and 10-inch gravity sewer, and 70 manholes in its entirety as detailed in the Contract Drawings and as specified herein.
The City of Spartanburg is seeking Proposals from Licensed General Contractors or South Carolina Home Builders who are also Licensed and Certified Lead Remediation Contractors for the abatement work or use of Interim controls for this property: 386 S. Spring Street, Spartanburg, SC Pre-bid 10 am 04-16-2024 at the site.
CANCELLED AS OF 5-6-24. The Project consists of interior upgrades for the approximately 2,400 sq. ft. building with miscellaneous demolition, renovation and finish upgrades. Bids shall be submitted in accordance with hand-delivery or mail service only.
The South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA) is accepting bids for switch machines, derail machines, derails, switch position signals, blue flag signals, wheel sensors, rail planning and control software & hardware, and all ancillary items needed to plan and control the movement of trains in the SCPA's Navy Base Intermodal Facility (NBIF).
The South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA) is accepting bids for construction of a new 11,140 square foot Heavy Lift Maintenance Building at our Inland Port Greer (IPG). Bid documents are available for download from the SCPA's website at: A non-mandatory, virtual pre-bid meeting will be held on April 18, 2024 at 3pm - see advertisement in the bid documents for more details on how to participate.
Rock Material
Spartanburg County is seeking bids from vendors to perform and carry out, those services necessary to
The project wo renovate/replace the concessions & restroom buildings at the Blackville-Hilda HS stadium as per bid documents.
Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, May 31,2024 via mail or hand delivered
Attn: David Corder
District Office,446 Country Club Road, Blackville, S.C. 29817
Georgetown County is seeking competitive bids for the relocation of the existing entrance to the boat ramp and of the access road to the remote parking lot beside Belin United Methodist Church located on US Highway 17 Business in Murrells Inlet, SC. There will also be a voluntary pre-bid meeting. See bid document and drawings for full project details and pre-bid meeting information.
This RFP has been cancelled until further notice.
Asphalt removal and repair in selected areas of Windward Drive in Tega Cay, SC.
The scope of work for this project is to provide a standby generator and associated equipment, branch circuits, and feeders to support existing Campus Police suite in Saluda Hall.
Spartanburg Downtown Memorial Airport (KSPA) requests proposals from Fuel Farm Safety Barriers Manufacturers. The City of Spartanburg owns and operates the Airport, which an Airport Director manages. There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting on site Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 11:00 AM at Spartanburg Downtown Airport, 500 Ammons Rd. Spartanburg, SC 29306.
To include, but not limited to, debris removal of areas highlighted in the proposed plans, additions to the kitchen, new office area, and storage area, all countertops replaced in all restrooms, repainting all areas within the fire station, and updating all floors. Project Scope and Plan Set are located on the webpage. Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: April 23, 2024, at 10:00am, 14 N. Roosevelt St, York, SC 29745. Questions Deadline: April 30, 2024, by 12:00pm.
RE-BID: Renovate an existing outdoor lawn behind a rentable venue. The lawn will become a fully enclosed outdoor event space with organized landscape, seating, a fire pit, picnic area and open air pavilion. The entire event area will be enclosed with brick pillars and wooden fencing to create a private and secure space.
Paint all exterior painted surfaces of wood trim, soffits, fascia, windows, doors, gable ends, louvres, etc. Replace/repair any damaged/rotten wood surfaces prior to painting.
The work generally consists of construction of a right-in-right out driveway at the Baxter Convenience Center on SC 160, including installation of curb and gutter, concrete island, asphalt resurfacing, sidewalk, pavement markings, signage, maintenance and control of traffic during construction, utility construction, erosion and sediment control measures etc. in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Addition to existing facility: pre-engineered steel structure, cmu, slab on grade, spread footing foundations. Part of concrete drive removed, new concrete to match. New motorized overhead door, exterior personnel door provided by manufacturer. 180 min. rated hollow metal door at Vault. General Contractor installs pre-engineered metal shelving, mezzanine floor system, stairs, box lift. Minimal site work, structural, mechanical, electrical included.
New Ellenton CPW will receive sealed bids(100 Main St,New Ellenton,SC) for approx 10,070 linear feet of 8-inch water main, 18 fire hydrants, and related appurtenances. Includes approximately 50 linear feet of 6-inch water main and 80 linear feet of 8-inch water main installed by jack and bore method, and 340 linear feet of 10-inch water main installed via horizontal directional drill. Full bid documents can be obtained from Hybrid Engineering, Inc. 7400 Irmo Dr, Columbia,SC,29212
Base Bid: Replacement of 1,823 linear feet (LF) of 4” PVC C900 DR 18 water main. Notably, also includes 48 LF 4” DIP jack and bore in 10” steel encasement under SCDOT road, valves and appurtenances, service line replacements, and erosion control. Alternate Bid Item: Install 4” PVC C900 DR 14 water main in lieu of DR 18.
Jasper County, SC d/b/a Skyblue Aviation is seeking proposals from qualitied person or entities to provide hangars and associated structures to conduct select aeronautical services or personal storage hangars for the redevelopment of the Ridgeland-Claude Dean Airport, Terminal South. The airport will enter into appropriate ground lease(s) and operating agreements(s) with the successful proposer(s).
The County of Orangeburg is requesting proposals for the Cecil Williams Civil Rights Museum Project. The bid document and other related information can be found at or . Late bids will not be accepted. Orangeburg County reserves the right to accept/reject any or all bids.
New Ellenton CPW will receive sealed bids(100 Main St,New Ellenton,SC) for approx 10,070 linear feet of 8-inch water main, 18 fire hydrants, and related appurtenances. Includes approximately 50 linear feet of 6-inch water main and 80 linear feet of 8-inch water main installed by jack and bore method, and 340 linear feet of 10-inch water main installed via horizontal directional drill. Full bid documents can be obtained from Hybrid Engineering, Inc. 7400 Irmo Dr, Columbia,SC,29212
Repairing and Painting the exterior of the building as outlined in the Scope of Services in the bid package.
There is a Mandatory Pre-Bid meeting on May 1st at 10 AM at the project location.
The project to renovate/replace the concession & restroom building at the Blackville-Hilda HS Stadium as per bid documents. Pre-Bid Conference: April 25,2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Bids will be received via mail or hand delivered at Barnwell County Consolidated School District Office, 446 Country Club Road, Blackville,S.C. 29817 Attn: David W. Corder, Superintendent
The County of Charleston is seeking qualifications and proposals from vendors interested and able to provide design/build services for the James Island Fuel Facility. The James Island Fuel Facility is one of six remote fuel dispensing stations and intends to offer services to multiple departments including, but not limited to Sheriff’s, Public Works, Environmental Management, Emergency Medical Services, and Fleet Services within the James Island area of Charleston County.
The City of Hartsville is seeking quotations from experienced firms to install eight new pickleball courts at Lawton Park, 716 Prestwood Dr. Hartsville, SC 29550.
Pre-Bid Date & Time: NONE
Bid Date & Time: April 23, 2024 at 2:00 pm (local time)
Existing unpaved roads at Evergreen Cemetery located at 173 Cemetery Street, Chester, SC. 900 LF of full depth paving, using cement modified base course and HMA surface course. The project also includes minor related drainage improvements as specified in the plans. The project will be bid based upon estimated quantities at a unit price and the City of Chester reserves the right to increase or deduct the quantity associated with the project as deemed necessary
Four new welding dust collectors and extraction systems within four existing welding labs.
Francis Marion University is seeking Design and Construction services for the Environmental Sciences/Forestry Building consisting of Lab, Classroom, and Office space approximately 45,000 square feet in total. This facility will be located on Francis Marion Road.
On Roof Areas A and B, remove the existing trapezoidal seam structural metal roof panels, unit & equipment curbs & associated roof system components to the structural purlins & discard. Install new faced batt insulation, unfaced batt insulation, thermal spacer blocks, flashings, gutters, downspouts, unit & equipment curbs, structural standing seam metal roof panels, new structural purlins as required for new metal panel clip spacings, and misc. w
Remove the existing gravel surfacing, modified bitumen roof system, perlite insulation, polyisocyanurate insulation, flashings, metal flashings, and associated roof system components to the metal roof deck and discard. Install a new base layer of polyisocyanurate insulation, tapered polyisocyanurate insulation, crickets, and saddles, coverboard, 2-ply modified bitumen roof system, associated roof system components, and miscellaneous work outlined
Base bid work includes complete removal of existing roof systems down to the structural deck for bldg. 300, areas F & G (20 squares) and bldg, 1000, areas B, B1, C, D, D1, D2, E1E4, F, G, H & I (360 squares). Roof replacement includes a two-ply modified bitumen roof system. Removal of minor, non-friable asbestos containing roof materials is included.
Renovation of approx. 3,400 SF of existing inpatient unit into an EmPath Unit (behavioral health observation).
Renovation of 2 existing patient wings (approx. 6,400 SF) into EmPath (behavioral health observation).
Demolition of four existing asphalt paved tennis courts, fencing and associated lighting. Construction of asphalt pavement with acrylic surface (approx..128’x303’) to support 16 pickleball courts. Construction of asphalt parking for two handicap spaces and two regular spaces. Construction of 500 SF (+/-) support building and supporting infrastructure.
Sealed proposals for the Harbor View Road Force Main Capacity Upgrade Project, James Island, JIPSD Project WW2023-1, Charleston County, South Carolina Public-Notice-HARBOR-VIEW-ROAD-FORCE-MAIN-CAPACITY-UPGRADE-PROJECT.pdf
Dorchester County is seeking bids for the construction of Pump Station #4 Force Main Upgrade (Phase 1). This project is being supported with U.S. Department of the Treasury, American Rescue Plan, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) grant funding. Therefore, certain restrictions and other Federal requirements are attached to this opportunity.
Demo, prepare, and replace all flooring in 72 apartments in bldgs 208, 212, 216, 220, 224, and 228.
The work includes softball field masonry structures (dugouts, restrooms, concessions, pressbox) incl. assoc. struct. wood & steel, finishes, mech., elect. & plum. & Work indicated in the Contract Documents. Bidders shall submit ds in accordance with Hand-Delivery or Mail Service only. Small and Minority business is highly encouraged
The City of Rock Hill, South Carolina is seeking competitive proposals from qualified companies to provide the City with maintenance on Parking Deck A located at Knowledge Park.
Pre-Bid Meeting (Mandatory): April 16, 2024, 10:00am
University Center Deck A
348 Technology Center Way
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Softball Field Construction to include grading, asphalt and concrete paving, and utilities. Bids shall be submitted in accordance with hand-delivery of mail service only. Small and Minority Business participation is highly encouraged.
Separate sealed bids for construction of the above referenced project will be received by the Owner at their office, on May 07, 2024, at 2:00 pm, local time at North Charleston Procurement Department, 2500 City Hall Lane, 3rd Floor, Rhett Conference Room, North Charleston, SC 29406 then at said office to be publicly opened and read aloud.
The work includes sidewalk improvements within City Council District 8 in the City of North Charleston.
Demolition, removal and disposal of approx. 13,000 sf of pervious concrete that loops Swain Hall, Smith Science Center and Penny Hall. Install 6" of concrete at removed pervious concrete locations. Outer concerte curbuing to remain. Contractor shall also remove 1 existing ring and cover and install new, adjusting elevation.
Spartanburg Sanitary Sewer District Commission will accept sealed bids for the bathroom renovation project Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 2:30pm EST, at which time bids will be opened and publicly read via a remote meeting.
Bids accepted for boardwalk work involving approx 1,000SF of new boardwalk conditions between St 16 & 18.5. Bid documents will be made available online after 1pm on 4-10-24 via Mandatory pre-bid conference begins at 9am 4-17-24 at St 18.5 beach access, SI. Sealed bids will be received until and publicly opened at 1pm on 4-26-24 at Town Hall, 2056 Middle Str. Perfomance & Payment bonding will be required for awarded contracts.
Beaufort County Disabilities and Special Needs Office HVAC Replacement
The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary to
Repair and Repaint Caldon Tank (250,000 Gallon Multi-Column Tank). Work includes blasting
and painting exterior and interior surfaces, surface prep and painting of all yard piping, valves,
fittings, etc., and miscellaneous repairs/upgrades to tank structure.
Roadway Improvements US 378 at Mineral Springs Road: Provide all materials, equipment, and labor to complete the proposed roadway work in accordance with the plans, specifications, conditions, and provisions as provided. Please see all bid info at
Construction Managers may submit Preconstruction Proposals for the opportunity to serve as a preconstruction manager in the preliminary engineering, pre-construction alternatives analysis, and cost estimating of the WWTP No. 2 Upgrades. This project is being funded in whole or in part by a state grant from the South Carolina Infrastructure Authority. All grant requirements will apply. The full RFP can be obtained through the City website or listed contacts.
New elevator and bathroom upgrades. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with hand-delivery or mail service only. Small and Minority Business participation is highly encouraged.
Construction of drainage improvements: clearing, stormwater installation, curb & drop inlets, curbing, sidewalks, manholes, asphalt replacement & resurfacing etc.
Modify the existing parapet of Columbia Hall, reducing its general height and installing metal struts where the height is not to be reduced. Perform repairs to the exterior of the building. Bids shall be submitted in accordance with hand-delivery or mail service only. Small and Minority business participation is highly encouraged.
Full depth reclamation (20%) and milling (80%) of roadways (Wallace Dr., Alumni Dr., Heyward Dr.) and parking Lot E on Francis Marion University's main campus.
demolition of Wofford hall. utility modifications and site work to facilitate the demolition.
demolition of Richardson hall. utility modifications and site work to facilitate THE demolition
Roof replacement covering the Gym, Locker Rooms, and Boiler Room with roof repairs for the remainder of the building roof.
A pre-bid conference for all bidders will be held at Fairfield County School District Office 1226 US Hwy 321 Bypass S Winnsboro, SC 29180 on April 12, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. Tours of the school sites will follow the meeting.
A pre-bid conference for all bidders will be held at Fairfield County School District Office 1226 US Hwy 321 Bypass S Winnsboro, SC 29180 on April 12, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. Tours of the school sites will follow the meeting.
Fairfield Middle School:
Provide new Kitchen Cabinets, storm doors and storage room doors
Provide new kitchen cabinets, storm doors and storage room doors
The City seeks bids from qualified and experienced general contractors and specialty electrical contractors licensed in the state of South Carolina to perform electrical upgrades at the City’s raw water pump station building.
To maintain water treatment capacity, GW is investing funds for filter media replacement and other miscellaneous repairs at the L.B. Stovall Water Treatment Plant located at 51 Pleasant Retreat Road, Travelers Rest, South Carolina, 29690. Complete details listed in GWC 238_Stoval Filter Rehabilitation_For Bid_Specifications.pdf document in the project details link.
Scope of work includes but is not limited to: Replacing classroom function locks to storeroom function locks as specified on the take-off spreadsheets. Replacing doors as specified on the take-off spreadsheets. AIA documents to be provided for each school. Project Locations consist of 5 Schools in Mt. Pleasant and 1 on Sullivan's Island. PRE-BID Date: Aprill 11, 2024 at 10:00 A.M - Located at 4399 Corporate Rd, Building 300, North Charleston, SC 29405.
The City of Georgetown, South Carolina is seeking bids from licensed general building or site contractors to provide service in the removal of the old fence and installation of a new chain link fence at 2520 High Market St.
Renovation of 2,500 sf of emergency department into EmPath (behavioral health observation).
Renovation of 1,500 sf into EmPath (behavioral health observation) unit.
The project consists of the construction of a new test well and production well along Stoneaway Road in Marlboro County. The project includes all sitework, a new 6-inch blowoff pipe, appurtenances, and other items required for a complete functioning project as included on the Contract Drawings and included in the detailed specifications. The project is being funded by a loan from SRF.
Roadway and associated drainage improvements for Lazy Lane and Salty Road in Bamberg County, South Carolina. Clearing and grubbing of approx 1 acre,earthwork, installation of storm drainage system, 8,000 SY of crushed concrete and all associated traffic signs.
Furnish and install HVAC Equipment
The New Road Paving project, located in the Town of Ravenel, consists of paving approximately 2750 LF of the existing gravel road. The project spans along New Road between Highway 17 (Savannah Highway) and Old Jacksonboro Road
CIPP repairs for various locations.
Installation of (1) 0.50 MG elevated storage tank and related appurtenances to provide storage for the 1,394' (USGS) Hydraulic Plane of the Blue Ridge Rural Water Company distribution system.
Repair or replace items determined in need if maintenance on stairs and ramps at Lightsey Bridge.
City of Charleston is soliciting bids for new masonry wall and bluestone sidewalk on Charlotte St at Second Presbyterian Church. There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference on-site April 16, 2024 at 10:00am to assess the current conditions and verify quantities of repairs. Sealed bids will be received until Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 2:00pm at which time they will be publicly opened at 823 Meeting St. Bid package can be obtained at
The project will include the following elements:
Intersection Improvements
Parking along Hiawatha Drive
Curb and Gutter
New Covered Bridge Signature Building Walking Paths and Plazas
Construction Engineering & Inspection (CE&I) Services on state and local government department of transportation construction contracts to submit a letter of interest and a current resume of qualifications. The services are requested for the US-17 - Main Road Corridor – Segment A project in Charleston County.
Seeking a qualified sitework contractor to perform minor trail construction, path clearing & minor grading Phase ll of the Nature Trail. Intended to provide a public, non-motorized, pedestrian access between the National Park Service's Fort Moultrie property & Sullivan's Island Lighthouse property. Project is partially funded through a 2023 SC Parks, Recreation, Tourist Grant, Administered by way of their 2023 Recreation Trails Program.
Renovation of existing Kimbel Library including study spaces, meeting rooms, curriculum center, reading room, special collections space, administrative support spaces, new monumental stair, new elevator, entry canopy, additional exterior glazing and other associated work as shown in the bid documents.
Replace existing Metal Halide lighting fixtures with L.E.D. lighting fixtures at Upstate's soccer, baseball and softball fields. Bids shall be submitted in accordance with hand-delivery or mail service only. Small and Minority business participation is highly encouraged.
Anderson County School District Three is accepting bids for fence and gate installation at Starr Elementary School, Flat Rock Elementary School, and Starr-Iva Middle School. Bid may be awarded either in whole or in part.
The District is soliciting proposals from firms to perform Integrated Project Delivery services to repair, renovate, reconstruct, and/or replace baseball and softball complexes and associated amenities at various high school facilities throughout the District.
School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified sources for grease trap replacements at Harbison West Elementary School (257 Crossbow Drive, Columbia, SC 29212) and one CrossRoads Intermediate School (6949 St. Andrews Road, Columbia, SC 29212).
The City of Rock Hill, South Carolina ("City") is seeking proposals on unit pricing for relocation of overhead power lines on Highway 72 that are in conflict with a South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) road-widening project.
Pre-Bid Meeting (Mandatory): April 3, 2024, 2:00pm
City of Rock Hill Operations Center
757 South Anderson Road
Building 103, Procurement Conference Room
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Installation of 43,400 LF 24" water main, 20,750 LF 12" water main, (14) fire hydrants, (30) air release valves, and related appurtenances to provide source water for City of Pickens Water, Easley-Central Water District and Six Mile Water District.
York County is seeking sealed proposals from qualified playground vendors to design, provide and install a playground at Ebenezer Park. Work performed for this task would be expected to adhere to all established laws, standards, and procedures required for this type activity. This includes, but is not limited to, all local, state and federal safety regulations.
The Clover School District is accepting bids for site improvements at Clover High School.
Replace two (2) existing 5,500 cfm air handling units within attic mechanical space. Existing hatch access will be used to get air handling unit sections in and out. Scope includes floor protection, duct connections, electrical, automatic temperature controls, structural and other work indicated in the contract documents.
The City of Mauldin, SC, is soliciting a Request for Proposals (RFP) from qualified contractors/firms to provide labor, material, and equipment to remove and replace the stairs at the primary entrance of the Mauldin Cultural Center.
Anderson County is accepting sealed bids for site work associated with the MRF TIRE LADING DOCK CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, Bid #24-033. The scope includes clearing, grading, filling, paving, concrete, electrical features, stormwater controls and sediment control. Interested parties may request information at .
Construction of a 80 space parking lot including grading, storm drainage asphalt and concrete paving, irrigation, landscaping and site lighting. Bidders shall submit bids in accordance with Hand-Delivery or Mail Service only. Small and Minority Business participation is highly encouraged.
Bid for mobile bleachers
Questions by April 4, 2024
Bid date April 17, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.
properly licensed under the laws of the State of South Carolina.
The project shall consist of 1200 LF of concrete sidewalk on Regatta Road from Nabors Drive to connect to existing sidewalk on Stillwater Drive . The work shall include, but is not limited to, concrete sidewalk, pedestrian ramps, pavement markings, sediment and erosion control.
HVAC Replacement in the classroom wings which include Areas A, B (not including 6 classrooms behind the band
room, C, D (2 wings), and E (including the gym). Only new duct and air distribution in the gym and minor duct work
to reconnect new equipment to existing duct. There will be some work associated with ceiling demolition to
accomplish HVAC component replacement.
Repair/Replacement of roofing systems located on our Georgetown campus buildings 100 Science Wing, 500 and Wildlife Pavilion.
The work consists of construction of an outdoor plaza and pavilion area at Broome High School, Spartanburg School District 3
Scope of work includes installation of a LWIC system over the existing roof membrane system and an adhered fleece back PVC roof membrane system. Associated sheet metal components and accessories are included.
The Clover School District is accepting bids for a fine arts wing addition at Clover High School Ninth Grade Campus, 1555 Highway 55 East, Clover, SC.
New elevator and bathroom upgrades. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with hand-delivery or mail service only. Small and Minority business participation is highly encouraged.
Construction of Conference room, non-load bearing walls, potential movement of sprinkler heads and HVAC to accommodate in existing cubicle open office space.
OJRSA is receiving proposals from qualified general contractors to serve as Construction Manager At Risk for the Dewatering Equipment Upgrades at the Coneross Creek Water Reclamation Facility (permitted at 7.8 MGD) in Seneca, South Carolina. A non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held on March 28, 2024 at the facility, located at 623 Return Church Rd, Seneca, SC. See RFP for more information.
The scope of work is to include complete roofing replacements at the Mulberry Dorms, and replacement of the sloped shingle roofing for the Pecan Dorms located at the Pee Dee Center Campus. Scope also to include replacement of metal trim and flashing, sheathing repairs, and installation of downspouts. For a site visit contact Curtis Amerson: 843-664-2733
The scope of work is to include complete roofing replacements at the Mulberry Dorms, and replacement of the sloped shingle roofing for the Pecan Dorms located at the Pee Dee Center Campus. Scope also to include replacement of metal trim and flashing, sheathing repairs, and installation of downspouts. For a site visit contact Curtis Amerson: 843-821-5858
Anderson County is seeking bids for the construction upfit of the Iva Branch Library located at 622 East Front Street in Iva, S.C. A Pre-Bid meeting will be held at the site on Monday, April 8, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. Interested parties may request information at
This project consists of providing all required materials, equipment and labor necessary to complete the construction of Roadway Extension Improvements to Serve the Southern Carolina Industrial Campus
in Hampton County, South Carolina. Generally, the project includes the new construction of +/- 6,300 linear feet (LF) of roadway improvements, proposed traffic circle and associated storm drainage.
The Town of Hilton Head Island is soliciting sealed proposals from qualified contractors or teams for the opportunity to design and build two (2) new parks on Hilton Head Island, Taylor Family Park and Patterson Family Park.
Renovation of the existing building to provide new direct digital controls (DDC) for the laboratories within the building and other Work indicated in the Contract Documents.
The construction and installation of asphalt parking, concrete curb and sidewalks, pickleball courts, land clearing, fencing, stormwater installations, erosion control, pavement marking and associated grading, earthwork, and final stabilization in the City of Clemson. Required Pre-Bid Meeting Dates: Wednesday April 3th @ 10 AM and/or Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 @ 2:30 PM. See spec book for details.
Sealed Bids for the SCWSA WTP Upgrades project will be received at the SCWSA Water Treatment Plant at 581 Shealy Road, Leesville, SC 29070, until 2 PM local time on 4/23/24.
The project entails a new raw water intake screen, one (1) new raw water pump, and one (1) new finished water pump including all associated piping modifications, and other items required for a complete functioning project as included on the Contract Drawings with detailed specifications.
This project is being funded through the SC Infrastructure Investment Program (SCIIP) through the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA). The City seeks to optimize the existing influent pump station and headworks located in the floodplain and considered to be confined spaces with an overall age of 28 years.
The project will be for changing all light fixtures as detailed on the prints and documents.
Remove and replace roadway paint thermoplastic traffic markings.
The project consists of relocating two (2) Speed Aware Radar Signs from their current locations to new locations shown on referenced Sign Plans on SC 336 in downtown Ridgeland. Existing radar signs will require new reflective sheeting to comply with MUTCD and SCDOT standards. Other items include installation of flexible delineators, removing and relocating other signs and pavement markings. A pre-bid conference will not be held for this project.
Richland County (County) is requesting qualifications from qualified contractors to provide professional construction management services on an “as needed” basis. This Request of Qualifications (RFQ) for construction services seeks to compile a list of qualified companies that will provide plans, specifications and estimates, review plans, and assist with completion of projects.
This project consist of full depth patching, leveling, variable milling and overlaying, shoulder widening, and pavement marking of approximately 30,712 of existing roadway on various roads in Kershaw County. Please see more details in the full advertisement at
Please see link below for description of project and services.
Please see RFP for specific description of project and services.
Please see RFP in link below for full Description.
Rebid: The project scope adds secure rooms to 4 dorms at Lieber CI & install new “wedge” type cell lock controlled from the new control rooms.
Rebid: The project scope adds secure rooms to 4 dorms at McCormick CI & install new “wedge” type cell lock controlled from the new control rooms.
Rehab of Runway 5-23 (6,002’ x 100’) and portions of taxiways in the Runway Safety Area. Work includes shoulder pavement removal, variable depth pavement milling ranging 0”-4”, nominal 4” of FAA P-401 asphalt pavement on runway, nominal 2” of SCDOT Type C asphalt pavement on shoulders, runway grooving, pavement markings, erosion control. Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: 04/04/24, 11:00 am at Airport. Deadline for questions: 04/11/24 at 5:00 pm. Bid Bond 5% required. Bid hold period: 120 days.
Paving and Miscellaneous Related items on seven (7) Roads in Fairfield County, SC Engineer contact- Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering Brian Faulkenberry plans available from engineer or county website.
The Project is consists of various repairs and improvements to the existing Greeleyville water system connections to include the following work: Renovate Greeleyville/Williamsburg County Connection #1 & #2, SCADA and Exterior Elevated Water Storage Tank Painting.
Bids will be received until April 22, 2024 at 1:00 local time at the Town of Greeleyville, 3 Toby Place, Greeleyville, SC 29056.
GSRWD is soliciting bids for the improvements of two wells: construction of a new Well #7 on Lewie Road with radium treatment system, and a new radium treatment system for Well #13 along with associated piping, valves and appurtenances. This is a SCIIP Project.
Base Bid Scope of work includes roof replacement of all low slope roof areas down to the existing roof deck for approximately 23,300 square feet (233 roofing squares) at the facility. Roof replacement includes minor roof deck repairs, roof drain replacement of all roof drains, roof insulation system (including taper), and a two-ply modified bitumen roof system. Associated sheet metal components and accessories are included.
The project is a pedestrian safety improvement and connectivity project located in Charleston, SC. The project consists of the construction of a new 8-foot sidewalk along Woodland Shores Drive, an 8-foot sidewalk on Maybank Highway from Woodland Shores to Stefan Drive, and a mid-block crossing near Stefan Drive at Terrace Plaza
Trail construction on existing rail right of way (tracks have been removed) & repurpose the RR corridor into an 10-ft wide unpaved (crushed & compacted aggregate) walking & bicycling facility, commonly referred to as a "rail-trail". The Town is seeking a basic & cost-effective approach to construction that will allow for safe walking & bicycling on the trail.
Demo existing asphalt roadway section and install new curb and gutter roadway section with asphalt and sidewalk
Trail construction on existing rail right of way (tracks have been removed) & repurpose the RR corridor into an 10-ft wide unpaved (crushed & compacted aggregate) walking & bicycling facility, commonly referred to as a "rail-trail". The Town is seeking a basic & cost-effective approach to construction that will allow for safe walking & bicycling on the trail.
This renovation includes 28,000 of interior renovation where academic program areas, bathrooms, lounge spaces will be reconfigured and updated. Interior finishes will be updated. The roof replacement and building skin repair and related MEP/FP systems replacement and maintenance items are also included. The existing veranda...
Culvert installations, trail bed capping & monitoring well abandonment.
Base Bid includes two-ply modified bitumen roof system for roof areas A1, A2 & B1 for Building M300A/M300B ˜ 100 squares. Base Bid work also includes complete removal of roof drains where indicated and providing roof deck repairs and new outboard gutters. New roof drains are to be installed where indicated. ALT 1 includes same scope as Base Bid for Building M700 ˜ 100 squares. ALT 2 includes same scope as the Base Bid for roof replacement at B
Demolition of nine residential properties and site stabilization
The Clover School District is accepting bids for the building packing for Lake Wylie High School. General Contractors have been prequalified.
This project will be to renovate de la Howe Hall to house new classrooms, office space, study areas, and an auditorium. New ADA upgrades and window replacement are also included in this scope of work.
Addition to an existing dorm building, new fire line, minor renovations.
Spartanburg Water and Spartanburg Sanity Sewer District requests responses for the purpose of pre-qualifying General Contractors for construction services for projects. The successful contractors will be responsible for providing supervision, administration, materials, equipment, tools, apparatus, transportation, skills, labor, and services necessary to perform high quality work.
Replacement of electrical panels in Cooper Library.
Replacement of electrical panels and switchgear in Redfern Health Center.
This expansion will increase plant treatment from 4-MGD to 6-MGD by adding new sedimentation basins, two new filters, chemical injection systems, a one million gallon clear well and associated appurtenances. Please see documents for complete details.
Construction of: Replacement pump station (Watergate Lower), 900’ of 6” sewer force main, triplex submersible pump station (Old Chapin Regional), and decommission the Watergate WWTP. Refer to Town website for detailed project description. Contact Chris Waddell at (803) 791-1400.
CMEOC, Inc Seeking contractors for Weatherization and LIHEAP Programs to perform weatherization services/install appliances in Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington and Dillon Counties. Applicant must possess:
Interested parties please contact Kim Quick at 843-320-9760
The Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority is requesting bids from contractors interested in the repair and replacement of select portions of the OJRSA gravity system in Oconee County, South Carolina. (Readvertisement of SCBO Ad# 41170 due to no bids received)
The work includes, removal and proper disposal of an existing floating kayak dock, modifying the layout and performing repairs to an existing timber deck, performing repairs to an existing timber bulkhead, driving five new composite piles, and installation of two new floating docks.